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General Examinations

How old are you? _____

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124 voters have answered this question.

Male/Female/Trans/Other? _____

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124 voters have answered this question.

How many medical exams do you have per year? _____

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124 voters have answered this question.

Do you enjoy being examined?

25% (32) Love it
24% (30) I enjoy it
37% (46) It's alright
8% (11) I dislike it
4% (5) I hate it

124 voters have answered this question.

What do you prefer to wear during an exam?

20% (26) A gown
23% (29) Underwear only
55% (69) Completely naked

124 voters have answered this question.

Who do you prefer to exam you?

42% (53) Male doctor
32% (40) Female doctor
13% (17) A group of male doctors
11% (14) A group of female doctors

124 voters have answered this question.

Where is the exam?

71% (89) Small doctors office
16% (21) Hospital
29% (36) Large doctors office
20% (26) School
20% (25) At home

124 voters have answered this question.

What does the exam room look like?

62% (77) Modern
33% (42) Old fashioned
27% (34) Welcoming
17% (22) Intimidating

124 voters have answered this question.

If the exam is happening in your own home, where are you placed?

58% (73) My exam takes place on a real medical exam bed/table/chair
12% (16) On the kitchen table
29% (36) On my bed
15% (19) On a portable medical exam bed/table/chair
11% (14) On the floor

124 voters have answered this question.

Is your doctor friendly?

62% (77) Yes, very. He/she makes small talk and makes me feel comfortable.
26% (33) Yes, although he/she doesn't make conversation with me and just gets on with the exam.
8% (10) No.
8% (10) He/she is very rude.

124 voters have answered this question.

What is examined?

88% (110) Eyes
89% (111) Ears
81% (101) Nose
82% (102) Mouth
58% (72) Breasts
91% (113) Chest
93% (116) Stomach
87% (108) Reflexes

124 voters have answered this question.

Did he/she examine your genitals?

9% (12) Yes, he/she examined my vagina internally.
12% (15) Yes, he/she examined my vagina externally.
31% (39) Yes, he/she examined my vagina externally and internally.
62% (78) Yes, he/she examined my penis and testicals.
0% (0) No.

124 voters have answered this question.

Did you receive a rectal exam?

25% (32) Yes, a quick one.
59% (74) Yes, a thorough one.
16% (21) No.

124 voters have answered this question.

How did you feel when the doctor examined your private areas?

39% (49) Embarrassed.
20% (26) Humiliated.
23% (29) Uncomfortable.
33% (41) Comfortable.
41% (51) Excited.

124 voters have answered this question.

Did the doctor comment on your genitals in a way that made you feel uncomfortable?

35% (44) Yes.
65% (81) No.

124 voters have answered this question.

What did he/she/they say?

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124 voters have answered this question.

What tools were used for the genital exam?

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124 voters have answered this question.

What were you sitting/laying on?

49% (61) Medical exam bed
52% (65) Medical table
27% (34) Gyno chair (extra input: in stirrups?)
10% (13) Desk/table
8% (10) Regular chair
11% (14) Floor

124 voters have answered this question.

Was anyone in the room with you and the doctor/s? _____

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124 voters have answered this question.

Did you have your temperature taken rectally or orally? _____

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124 voters have answered this question.

Anything else you'd like to tell me? Feel free to write your exam story.

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124 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-11-15 08:34:35 by AliviaXOXO
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