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Diaper legislation (law)

Toilets are often dirty and some are difficult to get into because of queues. Wearing a diaper is an option, but many people are scared if someone notices. I think it would be cool to have a sort of law to visit some places in diapers only. You decide where this law will be in force and who how and where must wear diapers.
Where should the law be in force? (many choices are possible)
while traveling on a plane/train
Shopping centers
In the cinemas/theaters
Everywhere including home
In the hospitals/clinics
At the airports and railway stations
in Any public place
In the cafes/restaurants
At school/college
People of what age will be obliged to wear diapers in these places?
What gender?
Both male and female
Should there be a fine for appearing somewhere without a diaper?
yes, small
yes, high
How to enforce the law? (make people follow it)?
Increase the entrance fee to the public toilet by 20 times
Check using scanner on entrance. Deny entrance without a diaper
Close all public toilets leaving only diaper changing rooms
If you have chosen other then how
Would you comply with the law if it was in place?
Yes, I like the law
I wear diapers anyway, for me it does not make difference
Yes, only if fines are high
No, unless absolutely unavoidable
No, not in any case
What gender are you?
Male who wants to be female
Female who wants to be male
Say what you think about such law
What underwear to accept as a diaper?
Adult disposable diaper
Adult cloth diaper
Children diapers
Pull ups/Goodnites
Incontinence pads
Have you ever worn a diaper after being a child?
no, but I would like to try
This poll was created on 2015-02-08 14:35:27 by Wendy777