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letting your kids play swim chicken

to find out if any parents will let their kids play swim chicken for real
do you have any kids
how many kids do you have and what gender are they
one boy
one girl
more than one boy
more that one girl
how old are they
can they swim
would you let them play a game called swim chicken
yes why not
it depends on the rules
i would have to think about it
no way
I am going to tell you the rules and what i want you to do is tell me at what point you think the would chicken out ok
rule 1 first desicde if they are going to swim the length of the pool or across the pool 2 then place the following items at either end or side of the pool in the following order at the end or side opposite were they are going to start from put their t-shirt jumper hoodee trackee top and shoes or trainers at the end or side they are starting from put their socks and trackei bottoms or trouses have you got that
right round 1 the first child start of by swimming from the start point in their swim wear shorts or under pants to the oposite end or side of the pool then climb outto do then the others take their turn to do the same would they do round 1
no they would chicken out
round 2 each child now put their t-shirt on and has to swim back to the start point would they do round 2
yes they would
no they would chicken out at this point
round 3 now each child put on their trackie bottams or trouse and swims back to point two again keeping their t- shirt on as well would they do round 3
yes the would
no they would chicken out here
round 4 each child put on their jumper hoodie or trackie top then swims back to the start point again this time in their t-shirt trackie biottams or trouse and thier jumper hoodei or trackei top would they do round 4
yes the would
no they would chicken out here
round 5 each child now puts their socks on then swims back to point 2 again would they do round 5
yes they would
no they would chicken out here
now for the 6 and final round each child that is still in the game here now puts their shoes or trainers on so now they are fully dressed or clothed to put it another way now they have to swim back to the start point like this would they do round 6
yes they deffenetly would
no they would chicken out here
ok now you know the rules of the game would you let you kids play the game for real
yes why not
only as a one off
i would have to think about it
no way
if you have given the first three as you answer go on then realy let them play it
ok you on i will
ok you on but only as a one off
no way
This poll was created on 2015-03-02 05:01:52 by HOWARDTHEDUCK