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Desperate pee challenge poll

18s and over, If you need to pee, test yourself by taking this, complete the challenges and let us know how you got on. You should wear something you are comfortable doing the test in, something you don't mind peeing in, you will be likely to leak a few drops... Towels/waterproof sheets may be used.
To start tell us about yourself, are you
Ambiguous gender
How old are you?
Under 18 (please be advised not to complete this test for health reasons)
How much do you need to go?
0- not at all
2- can feel it
4- would find a toilet if in public
6- would be worried about not finding a toilet in time
8- very desperate, uncomfortable, distracted
9- in pain
10- leaking
Activity time. You may want to set up a towel depending how comfortable you are. Stand up straight with your legs shoulder width apart, put your hands above your head and tilt back. Relax your bladder muscles for 10 seconds. Do not try to go, just stop clenching it in. How did you do?
No change
Nearly leaked
Leaked a drop
Leaked a spurt
Started fully peeing
Emptied bladder
Take another drink if you want. How are you doing? (Same scale as before)
11 (wet yourself)
Time for more challenges. If you are in a space where you can jump, do 20 star jumps. If not tap hard on your bladder 20 times. How did you do?
No change
Nearly leaked
Leaked a drop
Leaked a spurt
Started to lose it
Emptied bladder
Next task. Lay on your back and relax. Feel your bladder and realise how much you have to go. Time 15 seconds and relax your bladder muscles. Do not try to pee, just let go. How did you do?
No change
Nearly leaked
Leaked a drop
Leaked a spurt
Started going alot
Emptied bladder
Now sit up and put your knees as far apart as they will go. Relax your bladder muscles for 15 seconds. How did you do?
No change
Nearly leaked
Leaked a drop
Leaked a spurt
Leaked lots
Emptied bladder
Relaxing is over for now. Now find something like a baseball/tennis ball/hard apple to rest on your bladder. Lay face down with this object on your bladder for one minute. How did you do?
No change
Felt it but ok
Nearly leaked
Leaked a drop
Leaked a spurt
Leaked quite alot
Emptied bladder
Just felt pain
This one will be a real test if you're still dry! Put both hands on your bladder pressing firmly, squat down with your legs apart and time yourself for two minutes. How did you do?
No change
Nearly leaked
Leaked a drop
Leaked a spurt
Leaked loads
Emptied bladder
Just hurt
Choose one of the following tasks and complete Select and then answer your results on the next question
30 star jumps
30 sit-ups
30 firm pokes to the bladder
How did you do?
No change
Nearly leaked
Leaked a drop
Leaked a spurt
Leaked lots
Emptied bladder
One more physical task Stand with your feet shoulder width apart Bend over to touch your toes as far as you can reach, then reach for the sky and stretch back a little. Do this 20 times. How did you do?
No change
Nearly leaked
Leaked a drop
Leaked a spurt
Leaked a lot
Emptied bladder
Time to relax again. Either lay on your back, lay on your front, or stand up straight. Cross your legs tightly. Relax your bladder muscles for 60 seconds, no holding allowed. Just crossed legs. Time's up, how did you do?
No change
Nearly leaked
Leaked a drop
Leaked a spurt
Lost control for a few seconds
Emptied bladder
Now lay on your back. Legs at shoulder width. Time yourself, tense the muscles of your bladder that stop you from peeing for 20 seconds. This should make sure your bladder isn't going to just let go. Then relax all your muscles for 20 seconds How did you do?
No change
Nearly leaked
Leaked a drop
Leaked a spurt
Leaked lots
Emptied bladder
Final challenge. Prepare yourself. You may stand, sit, squat or lay down. You can cross your legs if you want to, and you must press or squeeze your parts to stop the flow for the time frame. How are you going to tackle this one?
Laying down
Squatting (for the brave)
Pressing on to pee hole (women)
Squeezing shaft (men)
Hands clamped on crotch
Legs crossed (optional)
Thanks for doing the test. How did you get on overall?
Still dry, feeling fine
Still dry, bladder is roaring
Leaked a little, still need to go
Leaked a lot, still need to go
Made a mess, still need to go
Completely emptied bladder, feels good
Completely emptied bladder, exhausted
If you still need to go and want to finish up, choose from the following:
Still dry- go in the toilet to relieve your iron bladder
Still dry - just relax where you are and let go
Already leaked - finish in the toilet
Already leaked - relax and let go
Already leaked - change into something dry and let go
Very wet - go in the toilet
Very wet - relax and let go
Nothing left to let go
What did you wear to do this test?
Thong/banana hammock
Long johns
Joggers/yoga pants
Did you enjoy doing this test?
A little
Loved it!
Tell us about your experience with this test.
This poll was created on 2015-03-03 21:53:09 by Brightstar87