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Other Tempo Poll

This is a Tempo Poll

What is the Greatest car of all time?

23% (19) The Tempo
38% (31) Ford Tempo
37% (30) 1990 Ford Tempo

80 voters have answered this question.

Who would win in a fight?

64% (72) Godzilla
35% (40) Stay Puffed Marshmellow Man

112 voters have answered this question.

Who would win this fight?

64% (72) Arnold Swartzinager
35% (39) The Taliban

111 voters have answered this question.

Who is the cooler Sith Jedi?

69% (72) Darth Vader
30% (32) Darth Maul

104 voters have answered this question.

Who is the greatest Sesame Street Muppet?

4% (5) Guy Smiley
7% (8) Grover
31% (35) Cookie Monster
20% (22) Yup Yup Aliens
21% (24) Oscar the Grouch
14% (16) Snuffalupigus

110 voters have answered this question.

Who would win in a fight?

44% (41) The Warriors
22% (21) The Bloods
32% (30) The Crypts

92 voters have answered this question.

Cooler Dog?

58% (66) Snoopy
41% (47) Scooby Doo

113 voters have answered this question.

Who would win in a fight?

54% (49) Carey Coleman
45% (41) Webster

90 voters have answered this question.

What school do you wish you could have attended?

22% (22) Robert F. Kennedy Junior High School (Wonder Years)
53% (53) Bayside High (Saved By the Bell)
24% (24) Boston Public (Boston Public)

99 voters have answered this question.

favorite Gumby Character?

43% (41) Gumby
22% (21) Pokey
6% (6) Prickle
7% (7) Goo
20% (19) Blockheads

94 voters have answered this question.

Favorite Cop(s)

34% (32) Rosco Dukes of Hazzard
27% (25) 21 Jumpstreet
38% (35) Chips Patrol

92 voters have answered this question.

Do you think this poll means anything and/or anyone cares what you think?

22% (22) I think this poll tackles some important issues and everyone should know my opinions on them
31% (31) This poll means nothing but everyone should know what I think cause I.'m so damn important
35% (35) This poll sucks and so do I, I'm just answering questions because I have nothing better to do
11% (11) This poll raises important issues, however nobody cares what a loser like me thinks.

99 voters have answered this question.

Which car is faster?

38% (34) A nissan sentra
61% (55) a remote control car (without batteries)

89 voters have answered this question.

Roll it or Bowl it

46% (39) ROll it
53% (44) Bowl it

83 voters have answered this question.

Who is the worst character that should be killed off?

5% (5) Elmo
23% (22) Barney
18% (18) Jar Jar Binks
7% (7) Lambchop
45% (43) KILL THEM ALL!

95 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-11-16 01:44:54 by rybackik
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