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English Classes in your life ?

How have previous English classes that you've taken in the past affected you in an educational sense and how relevant where they.
Current education status ?
Younger than High School
High School Student
College Student
Post- Graduate
Adult- did not attend college
Another option
How often do you write outside of academic purposes (school notes, English essays) ?
Very Frequently
Rarely or never
Do you keep any form of personal journaling ?
Yes, Private Diary
Yes, journal (travel trips, garderning journal etc.)
Yes, Another type of journaling (dreams log etc.)
If you answered Yes on the above question ? How often do you update your journaling ?
Few times a week
Less frequently
In what outlet does the majority of your everyday writing occur (notes, letter to friend, email,texts)
Smart Phone
Paper with a pen
Another format
In a scale of 1-5 with 1 being very detrimental (bad) for writting and 5 being very positive how do you view the effect and impact of technology on the quality of writting ?
1 ( ruined the quality writing)
5 (vastly improved it)
How do you feel about English courses integrating technology to the class ?
Great Idea (will make English class more efficient and rounded)
Ok Idea
Bad Idea (will worsen the class and affect writing negatively)
How often do you do a written rough draft to a typed essay ?
Almost always
Almost never
What is your favorite method to write ?
In a computer
Writing on a paper with a pen
On your Phone (In a text message, group chat etc)
Another way
Where do you most commonly write in the internet/phone ?
Social media (twitter, facebook etc.)
Texting friends/Group Chat
Comment boards in websites (ex. youtube)
Do you agree with the statement that writing in paper helps your memorize the content better ?
Completely agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
This poll was created on 2015-04-14 12:31:11 by Rick Valard