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Warhamer 40k

A poll about the miniture game warhamer 40k

what army do you play

13% (860) Space marines
4% (324) Space Wolves
5% (382) Blood Angles
5% (359) Dark Angles
3% (232) Black Templar
2% (151) Salamanders
6% (403) Eldar
5% (331) Dark Eldar
5% (361) Imperial Guard
2% (183) Catachans
8% (541) Orks
4% (318) Tayranids
7% (478) Chaos marines
4% (315) Necrons
2% (145) Sisters of Battle
5% (392) Tau
1% (131) White Scars
1% (101) Flesh Tarers
2% (179) Iron Wariors
2% (145) Imperial Fists
1% (127) Crimson Fists
2% (156) Chlidren of the Emperor

6614 voters have answered this question.

If Chaos, what god do you follow?

25% (418) Khorne
12% (195) Teznech
16% (262) Nurgle
12% (200) Slanesh
33% (540) None(Undivided)

1615 voters have answered this question.

How large is your Army

24% (635) 0-500 pts.
15% (401) 500-1000 pts.
13% (350) 1000-1500 pts.
10% (280) 1500-2000 pts.
35% (925) 2000 or more

2591 voters have answered this question.

How many HQ choices do you have?

27% (693) 1
24% (618) 2
16% (410) 3
32% (817) 3 or more

2538 voters have answered this question.

How many Elite choices do you have?

21% (524) 1
18% (449) 2
18% (468) 3
12% (320) 4
28% (707) 4 or more

2468 voters have answered this question.

How many troup choices do you have?

10% (258) 1
12% (321) 2
11% (294) 3
12% (315) 4
9% (238) 5
8% (208) 6
5% (142) 7
30% (768) 7 or more

2544 voters have answered this question.

How many fast atack choices do you have?

22% (546) 1
19% (461) 2
18% (454) 3
9% (234) 4
29% (701) 4 or more

2396 voters have answered this question.

How many Heavy suport choices dou you have?

21% (515) 1
17% (411) 2
19% (457) 3
11% (277) 4
30% (735) 4 or more

2395 voters have answered this question.

If you play Eldar, which Craftworld do you play as?

20% (277) Biel-Tan
18% (251) Saim-Hann
20% (273) Ulthw'e
22% (301) Alaitoc
19% (263) Iyanden

1365 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-11-17 18:34:58 by al7kerry
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