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Shoes and socks off

This Poll is to gather data on different encounters with removing shoes and socks

Are you Male or Female?

70% (60) Male
29% (25) Female

85 voters have answered this question.

If you go to your friends house and you will be there for a while, what do you do?

55% (48) Take your shoes and socks off at the door.
31% (27) Take your shoes and socks off later
13% (12) Keep your shoes and socks on

87 voters have answered this question.

You are at the park and your friends want to play soccer, you notice they begin to take their shoes and socks off, what would you do?

84% (72) Take your shoes and socks off aswell
15% (13) Leave your shoes on.

85 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2015-07-04 08:59:39 by AlexH
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