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Swimwear for guys

Looking at swimwear styles and habits for boys and men

What is your sex:

97% (346) Male
2% (9) Female

355 voters have answered this question.

What is your age?

5% (18) Under 13
24% (87) 13-16
12% (46) 17-20
14% (52) 21-25
10% (36) 26-30
4% (17) 31-35
28% (103) 36+

359 voters have answered this question.

How interested are you in watersports and activities?

34% (123) Very interested and involved
19% (71) Very interested, but not as involved
36% (131) Somewhat interested and involved
8% (32) Not really interested or involved

357 voters have answered this question.

When it comes to swimming attire, what is important/you take notice of?

47% (170) How I look
15% (57) What styles my friends wear
20% (73) What styles are popular where I swim
20% (75) Fitting in
18% (68) Being an individual
45% (162) Nothing really - I swim, I wear swimwear, that's it

359 voters have answered this question.

What styles of swimwear have you worn at some point?

56% (202) Boardshorts
33% (120) Bermudas or mid thigh style shorts
33% (120) Jammers
50% (182) Squarecuts or trunks
83% (299) Speedos
21% (78) Thongs etc

358 voters have answered this question.

What style do you wear most?

19% (70) Boardshorts
9% (35) Bermudas etc
5% (21) Jammers
7% (28) Squarecuts etc
49% (179) Speedos
7% (27) Thongs etc

360 voters have answered this question.

What style is most popular, on average, where you swim?

49% (175) Boardshorts
9% (34) Bermudas etc
9% (35) Jammers
9% (35) Squarecuts etc
21% (75) Speedos
0% (3) Thongs etc

357 voters have answered this question.

What reasons affect your choices about swimwear style?

73% (263) Comfort
54% (195) Looks
45% (162) Practical
16% (59) Price
26% (93) Requirement (swim team etc)
9% (33) Trends

357 voters have answered this question.

The next part of this survey focuses on speedo/brief swimwear. If you don't/haven't worn speedos feel free to skip. What circumstances have you worn speedos in

69% (219) At the beach
89% (282) At the pool
68% (215) For leisure
46% (145) For competition

315 voters have answered this question.

What size do you prefer

32% (108) Tight
42% (140) Snug
21% (72) Fit
2% (9) Loose

329 voters have answered this question.

What are your general opinions about speedos

No graph available for this question

201 voters have answered this question.

The third part of this survey is a bit more adult... What is your sexual orientation

53% (192) Straight
17% (63) Gay
17% (64) Bisexual
4% (16) Gay- or bi-curious
6% (24) Unsure

359 voters have answered this question.

Does this have any impact on your swim-related habits?

23% (80) On my swimwear choice
17% (59) On my level of interest in swimwear
8% (29) On my level of involvement in watersports/activities
11% (38) On my changeroom habits (e.g. I change in a cubicle vs open changeroom)
65% (224) None

341 voters have answered this question.

What experiences involving swimwear have you had? Feel free to describe in whatever level of detail you like

No graph available for this question

117 voters have answered this question.

Describe an experience you may or may not have had, involving speedo style swimwear (if you did this in the above question don't worry)

No graph available for this question

82 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2015-07-10 20:59:10 by danbennett
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