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Girls who wear skinny jeans

Poll for girls who wear skinny jeans

What colours of skinny jeans do you often wear?

49% (27) Black
60% (33) Dark blue
67% (37) Light blue
18% (10) White
16% (9) Other

55 voters have answered this question.

Do you wear your skinny jeans as tight as you possibly can?

89% (49) Yes/often
10% (6) No/not often

55 voters have answered this question.

Does the waist of your skinny jeans stretch and strain a lot?

47% (26) Yes/often
52% (29) No/not often

55 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel if the waist stretches or strains?

30% (17) Proud or happy
56% (31) Don't mind
12% (7) Embarrassed

55 voters have answered this question.

Does the button of your skinny jeans strain or twist a lot, due to being tight?

47% (26) Yes/often
52% (29) No/not often

55 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel if the button strains or twists?

32% (18) Proud or happy
54% (30) Don't mind
12% (7) Embarrassed

55 voters have answered this question.

Do you fix or adjust the button when it strains or twists?

57% (30) Yes, usually
42% (22) No, I usually just leave it

52 voters have answered this question.

Do you like wearing a belt with your skinny jeans?

52% (29) Yes. I usually tie it as tight as I can
5% (3) Yes. I don't wear it too tight
41% (23) No/not often

55 voters have answered this question.

If you wear a belt, does it often slip up and sit above the top of your jeans?

20% (11) Yes, I feel proud or happy if it happens
16% (9) Yes, I don't mind if it happens
7% (4) Yes, I feel embarrassed if it happens
54% (29) No/not often

53 voters have answered this question.

If you wear a belt, does the buckle often slip up above the button and sit above the top of your jeans?

13% (7) Yes, I feel proud or happy if it happens
18% (10) Yes, I don't mind if it happens
9% (5) Yes, I feel embarrassed if it happens
58% (31) No/not often

53 voters have answered this question.

If the belt or the buckle slips up above the top of your jeans, do you adjust it?

11% (6) Yes, I loosen the belt
38% (20) Yes, I just pull the jeans up or push the belt down
50% (26) No, I just leave it

52 voters have answered this question.

What is your age?

5% (3) 12 or under
18% (10) 13-15
18% (10) 16-17
32% (18) 18-21
21% (12) 22-30
3% (2) Over 30

55 voters have answered this question.

What colour is your hair?

18% (10) Black
41% (23) Brown
23% (13) Blonde
16% (9) Red

55 voters have answered this question.

Do you wear lipstick?

38% (21) Yes/often. I like red.
27% (15) Yes/often. I like pink.
33% (18) No/not often

54 voters have answered this question.

You are in Starbucks, McDonald's or such like, and there's a man older than yourself who seems nice. Do you/your friends go and sit by him?

16% (9) Yes I do. I want people to think I'm his daughter.
31% (17) Yes I do, because he seems nice, non-threatening, inoffensive etc.
51% (28) No/probably not

54 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2015-07-22 20:34:34 by IndependentPollster
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