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When is it consider okay to hit a boy in private parts

I am Thai and came to this country five years ago when I was 12. I practiced fighting styles for five years in thailand and much of the learning was to hurt a enemy in his testicles. In Thailand it is normal to hurt a man in his private parts but in America I think some people do not consider this a correct way of fighting. I think that this is a culture difference and I also think that Thai fighting is correct because hurting an enemy in his testicles is a strong way to be a superior fighter.

I am a boy and I am a good fighter. I am good at hitting boys in there private parts and I can make a boy experience very bad pain in his testicles. In the USA some people do not think it is a good way to fight by hitting a boy in his private parts but in Thailand it is not this way.

83% (5) Do you ever want to hit a boy in his private parts? How do you think is the best way to do this?
50% (3) Front or rear kick to his scrotum. This is most used in Thai fighting and it is a very skilled attack and will require alot of practice to properly strike his scrotum.
16% (1) A attack with the hand is used also. To do this your hand strikes with your palm in to his scrotum and then your squeeze one of his testicles until he can not withstand the pain. This technique is very good for me
33% (2) The other method is the way American can use this technique. It does not require a precise method and it can be very painful. As a fighter you stand before your victim and push your knee-cap very hard into your victims scrotum. It is important to strike on one side of his scrotum to force the most pain in one testicle.
16% (1) At what age is it considerate to be able to injure a young boys private parts?
33% (2) 9
33% (2) 10
33% (2) 12
16% (1) 14

6 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2015-08-07 09:40:29 by MikeyDS
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