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I will make you wet your pants.

Here we go. Drink 5 glasses of water over the course of 10 minutes and come back in another 20 minutes. DO NOT GO TO THE TOILET!!! When you are back rate yourself on a scale of 1-10, 1 being not needing to wee at all and 10 being peeing right now.

4% (56) 1
1% (21) 2
3% (42) 3
5% (64) 4
10% (120) 5
9% (111) 6
13% (159) 7
16% (193) 8
18% (216) 9
13% (156) 10

1138 voters have answered this question.

Read the following passage. Every time there is a punctuation mark gently press on your bladder. A boy went somewhere. Somewhere was a shop. In this shop was his father. His father had a beard. They really needed to pee. A strange man entered the shop. His name was 'The Pee Master'. He forced them to drink gallons of water and locked them in. He forced them to do every pee test in history. He tortured them as much as he could. (I am the actual pee master, so you know). They were begging for mercy. The shop flooded with pee. The pee master is slowly going around and doing this to everybody on Earth.

37% (428) Fun! Can't wait!!!
7% (86) And I already am peeing...

1138 voters have answered this question.

Spread your legs wide open and pull down your pants. Tickle your bladder.

27% (310) When is this going to get fun?
59% (677) Help! Please, mercy!
13% (151) Do I get to quit once I have peed? (Me: NO)

1138 voters have answered this question.

Drink another glass of water. Do 10 squats then 50 star jumps. How are you feeling on the same scale as before?

2% (28) 1
1% (20) 2
2% (25) 3
2% (33) 4
4% (55) 5
7% (83) 6
11% (132) 7
16% (193) 8
29% (334) 9
20% (235) 10

1138 voters have answered this question.

Lean your bladder against a desk or table. Get a tennis ball or one of similar size. Lie down on it and roll around.

76% (866) STOP THIS NOW
23% (272) Still good.

1138 voters have answered this question.

Run a tap for 1 minute. Then watch a youtube video of water flowing.

28% (324) Not too bad.
71% (814) HELP ME

1138 voters have answered this question.

Drink another glass of water. Gently press on your bladder. Now harder. Now hold on it lightly as you sing the alphabet song twice.

22% (256) You call this hard?

1138 voters have answered this question.

I have a fun game we can play. First, we run around the house for 30 seconds. Now we turn on dance music. Dance like nobody is watching you. Pause it once in a while. When it pauses continue pushing highly on your bladder until it unpauses, when you must dance again. If someone else is around get them to be in control of this.

28% (326) Yay!!! (Shows off awesome dance moves)
71% (812) NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1138 voters have answered this question.

Punch you bladder. Tickle it. Go sit on the toilet. Push on it. Flush the toilet. Now repeat all of the above questions, don't worry, there will be more coming.

75% (856) What????
24% (282) FUn

1138 voters have answered this question.

So now we get to do more! Hooray!! Place you hand in cold water for 30 seconds. Now pour this onto your bladder.

18% (214) Np

1138 voters have answered this question.

I am the pee master (as you know). Now here is the long, long passage. Go run the tap the whole time you are reading this. Bob. (press lightly on you bladder). He is a small kid. (press lightly every time there is a full stop.) I came to his school. I locked the teachers away. I took 34 kids (press on your bladder once for each kid I took) and tortured them. I was their PE lesson, so I let them have one. (Do all they exercises they have to do). I made them do 10 pushups, 10 sit-ups, 50 star jumps, 20 burpees, dancing for a minute and stretching. (Drink a small cup of water for the fun of it). And they were tortured even more. Have to go. Repeat all the time, as this is fun. Mwahahahahahaha. It will be worse when I come around.

32% (374) I peed myself.
39% (452) I managed to hold it in.
25% (288) You are evil.
8% (97) You are lame.
27% (316) Add more activities. (For every 10 people selecting this I will add 1 more)
14% (160) I hate you (glad to know it)

1138 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2015-08-08 22:05:13 by douwannawee
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