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Drug use allowance or prohibition

The reason why these questions are posted below is because of the rising amount of people that think drug should be legalized and because of the fact that 99.5% of people uses at least one drug at least once. Don't get scared. That is all drugs including alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine. Excluding caffeine lowers the percentage to 85%, excluding alcohol lowers it to 70%, excluding tobacco of any form lowers it to about 50%, which is the percentage of people that uses illegal drugs at least once which are classified as illegal in most countries.

Should drugs classified as illegal be legalized?

27% (12) Yes.
43% (19) No.
4% (2) I'm not sure.
25% (11) Only the non-hard drugs should be legalized. Keep hard drugs illegal.

44 voters have answered this question.

Should alcohol be banned?

18% (8) Yes
68% (30) No
13% (6) I'm not sure.

44 voters have answered this question.

Should tobacco be banned?

34% (15) Yes
59% (26) No
6% (3) I'm not sure.

44 voters have answered this question.

Should drug use be made mandatory by law?

0% (0) Yes, people should be required to use at least one drug at least once every 5 years.
2% (1) Yes, people should be required to use at least one drug at least once every year.
0% (0) Yes, people should be required to use at least one drug at least once every half year.
0% (0) Yes, people should be required to use at least one drug at least once every month.
0% (0) Yes, people should be required to use at least one drug at least once every week.
4% (2) Yes, people should be required to use at least one drug at least once every day.
93% (41) No.

44 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2015-08-16 02:15:27 by Mrellfav
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