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Tease Me for Wearing Footie PJs

I wear footie pajamas and I'm not a kid, but people don't tease me about it. I want them to though

I want to be teased mercilessly for still wearing footie pajamas. Would you do that?

74% (75) Yes
18% (19) Maybe
6% (7) No

101 voters have answered this question.

Would you call me names? ("Sissy Boy", "Crybaby" etc.)

72% (73) Yes!
15% (16) Maybe
11% (12) No

101 voters have answered this question.

If yes or maybe, what would you call me? Would you make me call myself that too?

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52 voters have answered this question.

Would you touch and grab at me?

62% (62) Yes
19% (19) Maybe
19% (19) No

100 voters have answered this question.

What would you do to me?

46% (46) Pinch cheeks
51% (50) Pinch behind
70% (69) Tickle
33% (33) Pull hair
36% (36) Poke
63% (62) Pull over knee and spank
26% (26) Leave lipstick kiss marks
29% (29) Other:

98 voters have answered this question.

Would you make me use a pacifier and other baby stuff?

9% (9) A pacifier
1% (1) A bib
5% (5) A baby bottle
4% (4) An oversized 2 liter baby bottle
50% (48) Diaper
29% (28) Other:

95 voters have answered this question.

Could you please tell me more about how you'd tease me? Don't worry about sounding too mean, I'd like to hear how you'd humiliate me

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43 voters have answered this question.

Could you tell me your age _____ and gender_____?

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57 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2015-03-27 19:50:47 by AJ in PJs
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