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Parental Rules on Teen Dating

You can take this if you are a teen or a parent of a teen. What are your households rules on teens dating?

Are you a parent or a teen?

45% (112) Parent
37% (93) Teen
3% (9) Childless Adult (using rules from when they were a teen)
13% (32) Childless Adult (using rules they will use with their future children)

246 voters have answered this question.

In your household, at what age can boys start dating?

29% (73) Whenever they want
7% (19) 11 or younger
6% (16) 12
4% (11) 13
7% (19) 14
5% (14) 15
9% (24) 16
2% (7) 17
1% (4) 18
1% (3) 19 or older
4% (12) Not until you graduate high school
2% (6) Not until you graduate university
15% (38) There are no boys in my household

246 voters have answered this question.

Can boys start dating at a younger age then girls or vice-versa?

28% (69) Boys can start dating younger than girls
18% (46) Girls can start dating younger than boys
34% (85) They can start dating at the same age
18% (46) There is only one gender teens in my household

246 voters have answered this question.

In your household, at what age can girls start dating?

29% (73) Whenever they want
11% (28) 11 or younger
8% (21) 12
4% (10) 13
9% (24) 14
3% (9) 15
11% (28) 16
2% (6) 17
4% (11) 18
1% (4) 19 or older
1% (4) Not until you graduate high school
4% (12) Not until you graduate university
6% (16) There are no girls in my household

246 voters have answered this question.

What is the youngest age (in comparison to themselves) the teens can date?

42% (104) Anyone younger than them
5% (14) 4 or more years younger
5% (13) 3 years younger
12% (30) 2 years younger
14% (35) 1 year younger
19% (48) Same age at the youngest

244 voters have answered this question.

What is the oldest age in (comparison to themselves) the teens can date?

11% (27) Same age at the oldest
5% (13) 1 year older
17% (42) 2 years older
6% (15) 3 years older
11% (29) 4 or more years older
48% (118) Anyone older

244 voters have answered this question.

Do the teens have to have their dates approved by their parents

32% (79) Yes
34% (85) No
23% (57) Daughters have to, sons don't
9% (23) Sons have to, daughters don't

244 voters have answered this question.

Can the teens date someone from any race?

73% (180) Yes
14% (35) No, they have to date their own race
2% (7) No, they have to date someone not of their own race
9% (23) No, they can date anyone out of multiple specific races but not any race

245 voters have answered this question.

For teens only: Do you disobey your parents rules on dating?

50% (69) No, my parents are lenient so there's nothing to disobey
7% (10) My parents let me date but only a certain age/race, and I break that
13% (18) My parents don't let me date at all but i do
28% (39) No my parents are strict but I obey them

136 voters have answered this question.

Fill in any other rules your family has that hasn't been described here

No graph available for this question

61 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2015-08-27 04:58:30 by dadragon_323
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