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Disabled People In Wheelchairs.

Over recent times whilst being out in public I have noticed something. I seem to have seen a few disabled people in wheelchairs, mainly children without any shoes on. They are just going about in their socks. I am a wheelchair user myself and would love to do this. This has got me thinking as to how common this is. I would also like to know your feelings about this if you are not disabled.
Are you a Boy or Girl.
Have you seen someone in a wheelchair in public without shoes on.
We're they a Boy or Girl.
Were they an adult.
Did you mind seeing them like this.
If you use a wheelchair in public, child or adult, would you like to go out without your shoes on.
If more disabled did this, would you be encouraged to do it.
Finally, I could not help feel how comfortable they looked in socks. Many disabilities including mine make you feet very sensitive and painful. There is nothing better to be rid of shoes or trainers and be in socks only. I would love to know your views on this, please let me know in the message section.
This poll was created on 2015-09-15 08:53:10 by shoelesssteve