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How do you find your dentures?

A survey to see how satisfied you are with your dentures.
How old are you?
16 - 24
25 - 34
35 - 44
45 - 54
55 - 64
65 - 74
Over 75
What kind of dentures do you wear?
Upper partial
Lower partial
Full upper
Full Lower
How long have you worn dentures?
Less than a year
One year but less than two
Three to five years
Five to ten years
Ten to twenty years
More than twenty years
How long have you worn your present dentures?
Less than a year
One year but less than two
Three to five years
Five to ten years
Ten to fifteen years
More than fifteen years
Are you satisfied with your dentures?
Very satisfied
Quite satisfied
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied
Quite dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
What are the best features of your dentures?
Ease of maintenance
Improved ability to eat
Improved speach
Absence of pain
Improved personal relationships
Improved self esteem
I do not have to go to the dentist
There is nothing I like about my dentures
What are the worst features of your dentures?
Effort to maintain
Difficulties in eating
Difficulties in speaking
Loose and unstable
Continuing pain
Detrimental to personal relationships
Social embarrassment
Fear of being seen without dentures
Limitation on social and sporting activities
Lower self esteem
Need to go to the dentist
There is othing wrong with my dentures
Do you regret getting dentures?
Do you wish you had received dentures earlier?
If a friend was considering the option of acquiring dentures, would you:
Recommend dentures
Recommend another treatment
Advise to keep natural teeth at all costs
When you first acquired dentures, did:
Your dentist recommended you acquire them
A friend or member of your family recommended you acquire them
You request extractions and replacement of your teeth by dentures
You acquire them for some other reason
For those of you who have some of your own teeth, do you expect to lose the rest of your teeth so that you will wear full dentures?
I hope not
This poll was created on 2015-11-21 02:20:49 by stevec8