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Girls Kept in Tight Neckties

People seem to like girls in ties...

Do you think I should wear a tie?

92% (53) YES
3% (2) Maybe
3% (2) No

57 voters have answered this question.

What sort?

75% (41) Long necktie
14% (8) Bowtie
24% (13) A soft more feminine-styled bow

54 voters have answered this question.

Should all girls be in ties?

37% (21) Yes!
32% (18) Yes, all girls and all women
16% (9) Maybe most, but not all
8% (5) If they like
5% (3) Other:

56 voters have answered this question.

How tight should our ties be?

8% (5) They can be loose and collars can be unbuttoned
26% (15) Collars buttoned and ties tightened up to the neck
22% (13) Collars buttoned, starched, and ties tightened up to the neck
40% (23) Collars buttoned up, ties tightened until uncomfortable
1% (1) Other:

57 voters have answered this question.

Where would we be expected to be tie'd?

84% (48) Mandatory school uniforms should make girls wear ties
66% (38) Dress codes at work requiring ties for girls and women
73% (42) Uniforms at work requiring ties for girls and women
45% (26) Community/volunteer groups should make girls and women wear ties
54% (31) Parents ought to have their daughters wear ties
59% (34) Boyfriends should encourage girlfriends to wear ties
52% (30) Girlfriends should encourage girlfriends to wear ties
49% (28) Spouses should encourage women to wear ties
15% (9) Other:
31% (18) Ties mandatory everywhere!

57 voters have answered this question.

Anything else to add?

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22 voters have answered this question.

Age _____ and gender _____ if you don't mind

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31 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2015-08-06 12:53:46 by TickleDoll
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