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Random Questions

Just a few questions about nothing in particular. Enjoy -_^
How old are you?
13 or younger
If you had to pick one of these to eat right now, what would you pick?
Sweet Tarts
T-Bone Steak
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
Candy Cane
Cat Food (eeew)
Do you carve pumpkins for halloween?
Yes, every year!
Yes, but I hate the gunky stuff in the pumpkin.
No, but I think they're pretty.
No, that's stupid.
I don't like halloween.
Do you wear mittens or gloves in the winter?
Mittens! They're so cute!
Gloves. I like to be able to move my fingers.
Neither. I just put my hands in my pockets.
Whatever keeps my hands warm
Do you take a lot of online personality tests?
Yes, I think they're fun.
Yes, occasionally.
Never really took one.
No, I don't like the outcome usually.
No, I hate them!
If you could be a dog for a day, what breed would you be?
Big and mean like a rottwieler
Small, cute, and energetic like a Yorkie
Graceful and friendly like a Golden Retreiver
Lazy and sleepy-looking like a Basset Hound
Do you have a nickname?
Yes, and I don't mind it.
Yes, and I hate it.
No, but I wish I had one.
No, and I'm glad I don't.
Out of these, what is your favorite kind of vegetable?
Green Beans
Brussels Sprouts
I don't eat my vegetables
This poll was created on 2001-11-22 00:38:43 by johnvukovich