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Pool Etiquette - males and females

What do you consider good/bad manners in a pool? Males: Answer only the male-directed questions. Females: Answer only the female-directed questions. Other: This is not the poll for you. The two variations of questions are completely identical, I just want to see the difference between the opinions of guys and gals. NOTE: all of these hypothetical questions take place in a pool that has young'uns, elders, teens, and adults all sharing its wondrous atmosphere. Also, the free-response questions are completely optional. If you answer it, specify your gender please.

EVERYONE: How old are you?

5% (4) Incubating (0-12)
23% (16) Hormonal nightmare (13-16)
8% (6) Hooligan (17-20)
18% (13) Alcoholic (21-24)
7% (5) Developmental prime (25-29)
2% (2) Wizard (30-34)
5% (4) Mid-life crisis (35-39)
4% (3) Hopefully a parent by now (40-49)
13% (9) Still getting used to colonoscopies (50-59)
2% (2) That weird stage when you're a senior citizen but still not retired (60-69)
7% (5) Tech-savvy elder (70+)

69 voters have answered this question.

MALES: Is horseplay acceptable?

40% (23) Of course!
40% (23) If the pool isn't too crowded.
15% (9) Usually, no.
3% (2) Never.

57 voters have answered this question.

FEMALES: Is horseplay acceptable?

30% (6) Of course!
45% (9) If the pool isn't too crowded.
10% (2) Usually, no.
15% (3) Never.

20 voters have answered this question.

EVERYONE: If you have something to say about horseplay, say it here if you want. Or not.

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11 voters have answered this question.

MALES: Is it okay to have food/drinks in the pool?

21% (12) Food is okay.
42% (24) Drinks are okay.
53% (30) All food and drinks must be kept at least 10 feet away from the pool.

56 voters have answered this question.

FEMALES: Is it okay to have food/drinks in the pool?

16% (3) Food is okay.
38% (7) Drinks are okay.
66% (12) All food and drinks must be kept at least 10 feet away from the pool.

18 voters have answered this question.

EVERYONE: I can't imagine you would have anything to say about food/drinks in the pool, but if you do, say it here. Please dear God if you write something make it interesting, I'm reading all of these.

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8 voters have answered this question.

MALES: Is it okay to spit or get snot in the pool?

17% (10) Yes, there's no helping it from happening.
8% (5) Yes, who cares?
12% (7) I try not to think about it.
33% (19) No, that's disgusting.
28% (16) No, but I accept that it happens anyways.

57 voters have answered this question.

FEMALES: Is it okay to spit or get snot in the pool?

11% (2) Yes, there's no helping it from happening.
5% (1) Yes, who cares?
11% (2) I try not to think about it.
50% (9) No, that's disgusting.
22% (4) No, but I accept that it happens anyways.

18 voters have answered this question.

EVERYONE: If you have a story about spit/snot and pools, tell it here. Make it as disgusting as you want, I don't care.

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9 voters have answered this question.

MALES: Is it okay to fart in the pool?

16% (9) Yes, I specifically enjoy partaking in this.
30% (17) Yes, it doesn't do anything so why does it matter?
19% (11) Yes, but do it away from others.
26% (15) No, but if it happens I can't stop it.
5% (3) No, that's disgusting.
1% (1) If somebody farted in my pool I would drown them.

56 voters have answered this question.

FEMALES: Is it okay to fart in the pool?

16% (3) Yes, I specifically enjoy partaking in this.
22% (4) Yes, it doesn't do anything so why does it matter?
27% (5) Yes, but do it away from others.
22% (4) No, but if it happens I can't stop it.
5% (1) No, that's disgusting.
5% (1) If somebody farted in my pool I would drown them.

18 voters have answered this question.

EVERYONE: Got something worth the effort it takes to write about? No? Good, I don't really want to read it.

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3 voters have answered this question.

MALES: Is it okay to pee in the pool?

8% (5) Yes, I hold it until I get in to do this.
22% (13) Yes, it's just easier.
19% (11) I know it's rude, but sometimes I can't wait that long.
14% (8) No, I try my best not to.
35% (20) No, I would never do such a thing.

57 voters have answered this question.

FEMALES: Is it okay to pee in the pool?

11% (2) Yes, I hold it until I get in to do this.
16% (3) Yes, it's just easier.
22% (4) I know it's rude, but sometimes I can't wait that long.
22% (4) No, I try my best not to.
27% (5) No, I would never do such a thing.

18 voters have answered this question.

EVERYONE: Write your questions/comments/concerns here, tell stories and experiences. Say how you prefer to relieve yourself, or what you would do to somebody for polluting your swimming water.

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9 voters have answered this question.

MALES: Is it okay to get in the pool without showering beforehand?

5% (3) Yes, I want my oils in everybody's water.
33% (19) Yes, who cares?
21% (12) Gee, I never really thought about it until now.
36% (21) No, people need to keep the water clean.
3% (2) If somebody won't shower before swimming I'll send them to the showers in the other sense of the term!

57 voters have answered this question.

FEMALES: Is it okay to get in the pool without showering beforehand?

10% (2) Yes, I want my oils in everybody's water.
31% (6) Yes, who cares?
26% (5) Gee, I never really thought about it until now.
26% (5) No, people need to keep the water clean.
5% (1) If somebody won't shower before swimming I'll send them to the showers in the other sense of the term!

19 voters have answered this question.

EVERYONE: Why is/isn't the layer of dirt, oil, and chemicals a topic for concern? There's decent reasoning for either side of this, so as usual feel free to skip if you really want to.

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8 voters have answered this question.

MALES: Would it be rude/inconsiderate to attain sexual release in a pool?

41% (24) Yes, how is this even up for debate?
18% (11) Yes, that's kind of gross.
8% (5) Eh, the pool's already pretty gross.
13% (8) No, I don't care.
8% (5) No, I do this all the time.
8% (5) Attain what?

58 voters have answered this question.

FEMALES: Would it be rude/inconsiderate to attain sexual release in a pool?

33% (6) Yes, how is this even up for debate?
0% (0) Yes, that's kind of gross.
11% (2) Eh, the pool's already pretty gross.
11% (2) No, I don't care.
27% (5) No, I do this all the time.
16% (3) Attain what?

18 voters have answered this question.

EVERYONE: Do you seriously have something to say about this? I hope not.

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7 voters have answered this question.

MALES: Is it rude to play blaring loud music?

3% (2) No, I'm doing the others a service.
5% (3) No, it's a public-enough space.
15% (9) A bit, but who cares?
50% (29) Yes, it's definitely rude.
22% (13) Yes, it's grounds for being kicked out.
1% (1) I'm deaf.

57 voters have answered this question.

FEMALES: Is it rude to play blaring loud music?

5% (1) No, I'm doing the others a service.
15% (3) No, it's a public-enough space.
15% (3) A bit, but who cares?
36% (7) Yes, it's definitely rude.
21% (4) Yes, it's grounds for being kicked out.
5% (1) I'm deaf.

19 voters have answered this question.

EVERYONE: Stories about getting crap for playing your tunes? Stories about clearing out darn whippersnappers from the pool deck? Write them here if you want.

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5 voters have answered this question.

Aaand that's the end. If you have any closing words about this poll, about me, about you, about the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, or about anything else that may pop into your head in the next few seconds, please hesitate to write it here.

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11 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2016-05-28 05:31:13 by 50000
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