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potty trained after younger siblings

This is a poll where i want to find out how it is when an older sibling has more potty problems then the younger one

Who is taking this poll

73% (22) Older sibling
10% (3) Sibling in the middle
6% (2) Younger sibling
10% (3) Parent
0% (0) Someone else who has to say something

30 voters have answered this question.

Whats your gender?

30% (9) Male
70% (21) Female
0% (0) Trans*

30 voters have answered this question.

Gender of sibling(s)

64% (20) Female
51% (16) Male

31 voters have answered this question.

Age of the older Sibling with potty problems?

6% (2) 4-6
13% (4) 7-9
30% (9) 10-12
33% (10) 13-15
26% (8) 16-18
3% (1) older

30 voters have answered this question.

Age difference to dry younger sibling

0% (0) same age (twins)
9% (3) 1 year
16% (5) 2 years
51% (16) 3-4 years
12% (4) 5-6 years
6% (2) 7-8 years
3% (1) 9-10 years
0% (0) more then 11 years

31 voters have answered this question.

The younger sibling is:

70% (22) completly potty trained
12% (4) potty trained at day -sometimes a bedwetting accident
6% (2) pottytrained at day -constant bedwetter
9% (3) some accidents at day -constant bedwetter
0% (0) its complicated...

31 voters have answered this question.

The older sibling is:

23% (7) not pottytrained at all
33% (10) constant bedwetter -many accidents at day
20% (6) constant bedwetter - mostly dry at day
13% (4) still to many bedwetting accidents
10% (3) its complicated...

30 voters have answered this question.

how is the older sibling treated - compared to the younger one?

20% (6) more privileges - age appropriate
30% (9) equal
36% (11) less privileges - not age appropriate
26% (8) like a baby
0% (0) its complicate...

30 voters have answered this question.

optional: Describe the whole situation

No graph available for this question

14 voters have answered this question.

Thanks for taking the poll :) Can i post your extra input and essay answer in the message area?

69% (16) yes
8% (2) no
17% (4) i dont care/ its blank
4% (1) i will make an on topic in the message area

23 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2016-09-15 07:13:45 by pottygirl
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