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Am I gay or straight?

I don't know whether I am gay or straight.


100% (22) Male
0% (0) Female (this poll is not really for u)

22 voters have answered this question.


36% (8) 12 to 15
9% (2) 16 to 18
13% (3) 19 to 21
40% (9) Above 21

22 voters have answered this question.

I get turned on when I see shirtless boys around my age. Is that gay? I'm 17 years old

68% (15) Yes, it's gay
31% (7) No, it's not

22 voters have answered this question.

When I read books that have boy and boy kissing each other, I get turned on. Am I gay?

81% (18) Yes
18% (4) No

22 voters have answered this question.

When I visualize a scene of a boy kissing another boy, I get turned on. But I also had gotten a crush on my classmate who is a girl at secondary school. That was two years ago. Now, I don't even get interested in any girl in my class. Like I don't even think of having a girlfriend.

0 voters have answered this question.

I don't even observe girls that has the personality that I like while I observe boys that catch my attention and I couldn't get my attention away until they are out of my sight. Am I really gay?

95% (21) Yes, u are gay.
4% (1) No, u are not

22 voters have answered this question.

What are your thoughts? Am I gay? What is my sexuality?

81% (18) Gay
0% (0) Straight
18% (4) Bisexual

22 voters have answered this question.

Why do u think I'm gay/straight?

No graph available for this question

22 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2016-10-20 03:29:35 by Natsu Dragneel
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