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Your s/o wants to be tickled, likes tickling, to tickle

Your grown adult significant other likes to be tickled (for intimacy or relaxation). How do you react?

Your gender

22% (2) Female
77% (7) Male

9 voters have answered this question.

Your age range

22% (2) 18 to 25
22% (2) 26 to 35
33% (3) 36 to 45
11% (1) 46 to 60
11% (1) Over 60

9 voters have answered this question.

Your significant other asks you to tickle them...either because it relaxes them or because it arouses them. What is your reaction?

12% (1) Not gonna happen
87% (7) How adorable, I'm in
12% (1) That is really odd
12% (1) My S.O. is childish
12% (1) My S.O. has a strange problem
0% (0) This makes me very uncomfortable.
37% (3) Other

8 voters have answered this question.

If you would react negatively, what are your thoughts?

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3 voters have answered this question.

You personally hate being tickled, but discover your S.O. loves and wants to be tickled. Your thought is:

0% (0) I can't do to someone else something I personally hate, even if they want it.
66% (6) I'm fine tickling them as long as I am never tickled.
22% (2) This does not apply to me
11% (1) Other

9 voters have answered this question.

In general, what does tickling mean to you? (check all that apply)

14% (1) It's something for small children
0% (0) I had a bad experience with tickling, and I avoid anything to do with it.
42% (3) I am relaxed by it
71% (5) I can be aroused by it
57% (4) I enjoy tickling others
42% (3) I love being tickled as well
0% (0) You can tickle me now and then and I won't shoot you, but don't make it a habit
0% (0) It's weird and I don't get it
28% (2) Other

7 voters have answered this question.

Assuming your S.O. has great hygiene, is there any part of their body you would be unwilling to tickle?

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5 voters have answered this question.

Other comments you'd like to make

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4 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2016-10-20 14:41:04 by asktask
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