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Your first cigarette

If you have ever smoked a cigarette, even just once, I thought it would be interesting to compare peoples' experience with that. Please note that for this poll, we are referring to tobacco cigarettes only. :) The "other kind" might be the subject of a future poll. Thanks for participating!
Are you:
Where do you live?
United States
Mexico/Central America
South America
Asia (non-Oriental)
Asia (Oriental)
Australia/New Zealand/Oceania
What is your current age?
Under 10
Over 70
How old were you the first time you tried a cigarette?
Under 10
Over 70
Not sure/don't remember
How did you get your first cigarette?
I stole it
It was given to me
I found it
I purchased it
Some other way not listed here. Please describe:
If you stole it, from who?
A parent
A sibling
Another relative
A friend
A bf/gf or spouse
A stranger
From a store or other commercial place
Someone not listed here. Please describe:
I did not steal it
If it was given to you, by who?
A parent
A sibling
Another relative
A friend
A bf/gf or spouse
A stranger
Someone not listed here. Please describe:
It was not given to me
If you found it, where?
On a street or sidewalk
On the floor inside a building
In a vehicle where someone had dropped it
At a beach, wooded area or some similar area
Someplace other than those listed. Please describe:
I did not find it
If you purchased it, from where or who?
A full pack from a store
A single cigarette from a store
A parent, sibling or other relative
A friend, bf/gf or spouse
A stranger
Someone or someplace not listed here. Please describe:
I did not purchase it
Where did you smoke that first cigarette?
At home, inside
At home, outside
At the home of a sibling or other relative
At the home of a bf/gf
In a vehicle
Outside, but where I would not be seen, such as a wooded area, behind a building (other than home), etc.
Outside where I would be seen, such as a beach, on the street, at a party, in a store, restaurant, etc.
At school, inside
At school, outside
Some other place not listed here. Please describe:
Was anyone else present? If you were in a public place with other people around, please answer this as it pertains to people who were actually in your company at the time.
No, I was alone
A parent
A sibling
Another relative
A friend
A bf/gf or spouse
A stranger
A teacher
Someone else not listed here. Please describe:
What is the main reason you decided to smoke a cigarette?
I was just curious to see what it was like
I was encouraged to try it by someone close to me
I was encouraged to try it by someone not particularly close to me
I was forced to try it
Most people in my life smoked, and I wanted to be like them
Peer pressure, I wanted to fit in
I wanted to feel defiant and rebellious
I wanted to feel cool, sexy, grown up, etc.
Some other reason not listed here. Please describe:
Were there any other reasons besides your main reason, you decided to smoke a cigarette? Please check all that apply.
I was just curious to see what it was like
I was encouraged to try it by someone close to me
I was encouraged to try it by someone not particularly close to me
I was forced to try it
Most people in my life smoked, and I wanted to be like them
Peer pressure, I wanted to fit in
I wanted to feel defiant and rebellious
I wanted to feel cool, sexy, grown up, etc.
Some other reasons not listed here. Please describe:
No reason other than my main one above
Did you inhale your first cigarette?
No, I just puffed on it, only drawing the smoke into my mouth
Not at first, but after a few puffs, I started taking some small inhales
Not at first, but after a few puffs, I started taking full-size inhales
Yes, I inhaled small drags right from the start
Yes, I inhaled full-size drags right from the start
Not sure/don't remember
How did you react to your first cigarette? Please check all that apply.
I coughed
I felt dizzy
I felt nauseated
Smoke got in my eyes and burned them
I thought it was the worst thing I had ever smelled or tasted
I liked the smell and/or taste
I knew I would never smoke another cigarette again
I knew I had found a new enjoyable activity
I felt cool, sexy, grown up, etc.
I felt defiant and/or rebellious
I felt accepted, and like I fit in with those in my life
Some other reaction not listed here. Please describe:
What is your smoking experience after that first cigarette?
None -- my first cigarette was also my last
I smoked occasionally and eventually quit
I smoked occasionally and still do
I smoked occasionally and gradually became a regular smoker but eventually quit
I became a regular smoker right away but eventually quit
I became a regular smoker right away, and still am
Looking back on it, are you glad you tried your first cigarette?
Yes, because once I found out how nasty smoking is, it removed any curiosity I may have had about it
Yes, because it introduced me to a pleasurable activity that I enjoy to this day
No, because it was the first step to an unhealthy addictive habit that is almost impossible to get rid of. If I had known what I was about to get into, I would have literally run from that first cigarette and never looked back.
Some other answer not listed here. Please describe:
This poll was created on 2016-11-14 14:54:55 by angiebaby