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boys who misbehave in church

This is a poll for boys or for fathers with sons who misbehave in church by doing things like taking off shoes, fidgeting, and doing inappropriate things in church.
How old are you (if you are the son) or how old are your sons if you are the father?
Do you (or do your sons) take off shoes and/or loosen clothing to get comfortable in church? Do you (or they) ever lose shoes or clothes in church?
Do you (or your sons) do inappropriate things in church, and if so what are they?
Do you (or your sons) misbehave in church to get attention, out of boredom, or for other reasons, and what are they?
How does your dad (or you if you are the dad) respond, as in scolding, punishment, ignoring, or what?
Please leave any comments or stories about boys and sons misbehaving in church.
This poll was created on 2016-11-24 12:42:59 by showoffboy