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Favorite Movie Genres for teenagers

The reason why I did this poll was to find out the majority of teenagers favorite movie genres. I never can say what my favorite is so i would like some intake and statistics.

Favorite Movie Genre

27% (32) Action
23% (27) Horror
35% (41) Comedy
14% (17) Romance

117 voters have answered this question.

Are you a male or a female?

45% (52) Male
53% (62) Female
0% (1) Binary

115 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

10% (12) 15
15% (17) 16
43% (49) 17
30% (34) 18

112 voters have answered this question.

Rate Action movies 1-5?

2% (3) 1
7% (8) 2
23% (27) 3
33% (38) 4
32% (37) 5

113 voters have answered this question.

Rate Horror movies 1-5?

21% (24) 1
8% (10) 2
20% (23) 3
28% (32) 4
21% (24) 5

113 voters have answered this question.

Rate Comedy movies 1-5?

3% (4) 1
7% (8) 2
19% (22) 3
27% (31) 4
42% (48) 5

113 voters have answered this question.

Rate romance movies 1-5?

11% (13) 1
20% (23) 2
24% (28) 3
18% (21) 4
25% (29) 5

114 voters have answered this question.

Do you like all types of genres?

67% (78) yes
32% (37) no

115 voters have answered this question.

What was the last genre movie you saw?

20% (23) Horror
34% (40) Action
13% (16) Romance
31% (36) Comedy

115 voters have answered this question.

How many times have you watched a movie this month?

6% (7) 0
12% (14) 1
21% (25) 2
59% (68) 3 or more

114 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2017-01-26 18:41:53 by KathrynUrey
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