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kids getting a bath or shower fully clothed in thier school uniform

To find out how parents would react if their kids asked if they could get a bath or shower fully clothed in their school uniform when they came home from school
Do you have any kids
How old are they
What gender are they
If you'd kids came home from school tonight and asked you if they could get a bath or shower fully clothed in their shoes and socks with their school uniform on how would you react
Find out why they wanted to do it if they had a good reason let them do it
Find out why they wanted to do it if they did not have a good reason tell them no way and hope they did not do it
Fi and out why they wanted to do it if they had a good reason tell them to take their shoes off and let them do it
Tell them no way
Tell them to take their shoes off and let them do it
Let them do it kids will be kids
Have you're kids ever come home from school and ask if they could get a bath or shower fully clothed in their shoes and socks in their school uniform
No nor would they
Not yet
Yes they do it ever night
Yes a few times
Yes once
How did you react
I asked them why they wanted to do it they had a good reason so I let them do it
I asked them why they wanted to do it they had a good reason so I told them to take their shoes off and let them do it
I told them no way
I asked them why they wanted to do it they did not have a good reason I told them no way but they did it any way
I told them to take their shoes off and let them do it
I let them do it
This poll was created on 2017-04-27 12:19:11 by HOWARDTHEDUCK