Dear Misterpoll community,
I am creating this poll to investigate people's thoughts on my dress codes.
I am a 16 year old male, living with my father in Europe. My father, whom I am obliged to call Sir, has always liked when I dress smart, from an extremely young age. However, he did not expect me to dress smart every day, just when we attended a formal event. He always told me how well I behaved when I was wearing formal outfit. When I was about 14, I started to become friends with people who sagged their pants; and from their influence, so did I. The first time he noticed that I am sagging my pants, he spanked me with his belt, and told me that I should never do that again. The morning after when I left to school, I was sagging my pants even more, I wanted to rebel. He didn't say anything, so I thought it was okay. Then when I came back from school, all my clothes were replaced with very formal clothes. He told me: "You will wear these clothes every day from now on, and nothing else." Since then, I have been wearing formal clothes every single day, which he inspects numerous times a day. I have to wear the following:
- Shirt: white or pastel long sleeved, 4 layers starched shirt, all buttons done up. The collars are exceptionally high, they have 3 or 4 buttons.
- Trousers: high-waisted black or navy dress pants, pulled up to the bottom of my ribcage.
- Belt: Wide leather belt, pulled extremely tight. The belt is hard leather that does not stretch at all. Either black or dark brown.
- Tie: I have to wear a tie that is also pulled extremely tight around my neck.
- Shoes: polished dress shoes, same color as the belt.
- Jacket: suit jacket of the same color as the pants.
I have to get dressed to these clothes every day. In the morning, I must leave the belt and the tie unfastened, and go to my dad, saying: "Sir, please tightly fasten my belt and my tie". Then he does so, always exceptionally tight.
This poll was created on 2017-05-24 16:10:03
by taylortaylor123