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Do you usually walk around barefoot?

Do you usually walk around barefoot?

36% (13) At home, yes
16% (6) During summer only
5% (2) No
41% (15) Everywhere

36 voters have answered this question.

Follow up question: Why is that?

No graph available for this question

36 voters have answered this question.

Do you have a foot fetish?

41% (15) Yes
58% (21) No

36 voters have answered this question.

Would you walk around barefoot at a friend's house?

88% (32) Yes
11% (4) No

36 voters have answered this question.

What pants do you usually wear when walking barefoot?

13% (5) (Long) Sweats
50% (18) (Long) Jeans
11% (4) (Long) Leggings
83% (30) Shorts

36 voters have answered this question.

Are you foot shy? (Afraid to go barefoot / show feet?)

8% (3) Yes
72% (26) No
19% (7) Depends

36 voters have answered this question.

Where do you live?

50% (18) Europe
0% (0) Africa
0% (0) Asia
2% (1) South America
47% (17) North America
0% (0) Oceania

36 voters have answered this question.

Where you live, do people usually walk with shoes on inside?

38% (14) Yes
61% (22) No

36 voters have answered this question.


66% (24) Male
33% (12) Female
0% (0) Prefer not to say

36 voters have answered this question.


2% (1) 0-12
16% (6) 12-15
30% (11) 15-20
13% (5) 20-25
8% (3) 25-35
27% (10) 35+

36 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2017-08-13 12:54:06 by Upxzuh
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