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Different length pubes

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I was just interested to know if Asian people generally have different pubes from Caucasians

What is your sex?

79% (122) Male
20% (32) Female

154 voters have answered this question.

What is your age?

5% (9) 12 or younger
14% (22) 13 - 14
22% (35) 15 - 16
16% (26) 17 - 18
39% (61) 18 or older

153 voters have answered this question.

Are you Asian or Caucasian?

22% (34) Asian
77% (117) Caucasian

151 voters have answered this question.

If you are Asian, how old were you when you started growing pubic hairs?

26% (11) 12 or younger
9% (4) 13
19% (8) 14
21% (9) 15
9% (4) 16
2% (1) 17
0% (0) 18
11% (5) Older than 18

42 voters have answered this question.

If you are Caucasian, how old were you when you first grew pubic hairs?

65% (91) 12 or younger
13% (19) 13
10% (15) 14
7% (11) 15
1% (2) 16
0% (0) 17
0% (0) 18
0% (0) Older than 18

138 voters have answered this question.

If you are Asian, how long are your pubic hairs?

59% (26) I don't have any
9% (4) Less than 0.5cm
2% (1) 0.5 - 1cm
2% (1) 1 - 1.5cm
2% (1) 1.5 - 2cm
2% (1) 2 - 2.5cm
2% (1) 2.5 - 3cm
4% (2) 3 - 3.5cm
2% (1) 3.5 - 4cm
2% (1) 4 - 4.5cm
0% (0) 4.5 - 5cm
2% (1) 5 - 5.5cm
4% (2) 5.5 - 6cm
4% (2) More than 6cm

44 voters have answered this question.

If you are Caucasian, how long are your pubic hairs?

6% (9) I don't have any
6% (9) Less than 0.5cm
5% (8) 0.5 - 1cm
4% (7) 1 - 1.5cm
4% (6) 1.5 - 2cm
7% (11) 2 - 2.5cm
5% (8) 2.5 - 3cm
4% (6) 3 - 3.5cm
4% (6) 3.5 - 4cm
4% (6) 4 - 4.5cm
2% (4) 4.5 - 5cm
1% (2) 5 - 5.5cm
9% (13) 5.5 - 6cm
33% (47) More than 6cm

142 voters have answered this question.

If you are an Asian female, how often do you have to trim your bikini line?

5% (1) Daily
11% (2) More than once a week, but not daily
5% (1) Weekly
0% (0) Fortnightly
5% (1) Monthly
5% (1) Less frequently than monthly
64% (11) I don't have to trim it at all

17 voters have answered this question.

If you are a Caucasian female, how often do you have to trim your bikini line?

31% (11) More than once a week, but not daily
17% (6) Weekly
2% (1) Fortnightly
8% (3) Monthly
8% (3) Less frequently than monthly
8% (3) Daily
22% (8) I don't have to trim it at all

35 voters have answered this question.

If you are an Asian male, what is the width of your pubic hair patch at the top?

61% (26) Less than 2cm
4% (2) 2 - 5cm
2% (1) 5 - 7cm
14% (6) 7 - 10cm
16% (7) More than 10cm

42 voters have answered this question.

If you are a Caucasian male, how wide is your pubic hair patch at the top?

6% (8) Less than 2cm
6% (8) 2 - 5cm
7% (9) 5 - 7cm
19% (23) 7 - 10cm
58% (69) More than 10cm

117 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-09-30 10:58:34 by monkeynuts
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