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Why do white girls fall for black guys

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The poll is regarding my research paper on sexual preferences in the society, their reasons and implications. The poll is only for white women

Are black men more attractive than white men

64% (948) Yes
36% (539) No

1466 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever been involved with a black man in a physical relationship

71% (1034) Yes
28% (416) No

1441 voters have answered this question.

Do you find black men better at sex than other races

68% (977) Yes
32% (454) No

1417 voters have answered this question.

Does the skin conrast between your skin and that of the black man turn you on

68% (972) Yes
31% (454) No

1426 voters have answered this question.

Your Body tone (height)

3% (46) 4ft. to 4ft 6" height
6% (98) 4ft.6" to 5ft height
54% (768) 5ft to 5ft 6" height
25% (368) 5ft 6" to 5ft 9" height
9% (139) 5ft 9" to 6 ft

1419 voters have answered this question.

Your Body tone (weight)

4% (60) 60 to 90 lbs
9% (133) 90 to 100 lbs
16% (227) 100 to 110 lbs
25% (364) 110 to 120 lbs
19% (274) 120 to 130 lbs
13% (197) 130 to 150 lbs
11% (160) more than 150 lbs

1415 voters have answered this question.

Your hair style

43% (616) straight blonde hair
32% (464) straight dark hair
10% (153) curly blonde hair
12% (177) curly dark hair

1410 voters have answered this question.

Your preferred black man built (height)

2% (30) 4ft to 5ft
2% (36) 5ft to 5ft 6"
11% (157) 5ft 6" to 5ft 9"
35% (478) 5ft 9" to 6ft
48% (656) 6ft to 6ft 6"

1357 voters have answered this question.

Your preferred black man built (weight)

6% (88) 100 to 150 lbs
19% (261) 150 to 170 lbs
34% (469) 170 to 190 lbs
29% (403) 190 to 210 lbs
10% (137) more than 210 lbs

1358 voters have answered this question.

What turns you on more with black men, if you had to select one.

33% (456) Looks
21% (297) Skin color
31% (423) Body
45% (614) Whats inside the pants
31% (425) personality

1356 voters have answered this question.

Where did you have your first experience with a black male

30% (409) club, dance bar or bar
5% (78) mall
31% (417) University or college
19% (259) neighbourhood
13% (182) workplace

1345 voters have answered this question.

What race of guys hit on you most often

56% (782) Black (African - American africans, Africans)
3% (53) Brown (South Asian Indians - Pakistanis)
1% (25) Yellow (Chinese,Japanese, Korean)
37% (512) White (All Caucasians)

1372 voters have answered this question.

Do you think black men have hung tools for sex

52% (725) Yes
25% (357) Sometimes
10% (143) Maybe
11% (159) No

1384 voters have answered this question.

Do you think black men are bigger and thicker than other races (for sex)

77% (1042) Yes
24% (331) No

1353 voters have answered this question.

Do you think you might end up marrying a black male, if the conditions were ripe

65% (896) Yes
34% (471) No

1367 voters have answered this question.

What is your age group

7% (110) 14 - 16
13% (184) 16 - 18
19% (274) 18 - 20
19% (269) 20 - 22
17% (247) 22 - 25
12% (174) 25 - 30
12% (174) Over 30

1381 voters have answered this question.

The age group that you would most likely date

20% (283) 18 - 20
17% (242) 20 - 22
22% (301) 22 - 24
21% (289) 24 - 26
22% (311) 26 - 30
19% (261) over 30

1364 voters have answered this question.

Your race

93% (1292) White
2% (33) Black
1% (19) Asian (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc)
2% (29) South Asian (Indian, Pakistani, etc)
1% (15) Arab, middle eastern

1388 voters have answered this question.

Your area of origin

68% (956) USA
7% (101) Canada
19% (265) Europe
2% (36) Australia
0% (12) Asia
1% (14) Africa
0% (6) South America

1390 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-12-17 19:48:06 by lalina
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