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How do you argue? (For Girls only)

I wonder how the female readers of this survey argue, how often they argue, and how they feel about it.

How often are you involved in an argument?

14% (1) Rarely to never
28% (2) Once or several times a month
14% (1) Once or several times a week
42% (3) I like to argue and therefore constantly

7 voters have answered this question.

How do you argue?

28% (2) Calm and factual
85% (6) Aggressive and insulting
28% (2) Finishing off, humiliating and hurting the other party in the dispute

7 voters have answered this question.

Do you get physical in an argument especially with another girl?

42% (3) Slap
14% (1) Punch in the stomach
57% (4) Fist punch in the face
57% (4) Other Reaction (Tell in the message section if you want)

7 voters have answered this question.

Please describe a fight you had with another girl.

No graph available for this question

3 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2021-02-18 03:37:56 by Leonie18
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