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Pants on fire

Everyone hates a liar, right? We teach our children not to lie. Some of us have even had our mouths washed out with soap! How do we REALLY feel about lying? Truth be told, you probably won't be ABLE to answer these questions honestly...
It is NEVER OK (check every one with which you agree)
...to lie to your employer.
...to lie to your employee.
...to lie to your wife.
...to lie to your children.
...to lie to the police.
...to lie to the government.
...if your employer lies to you.
...if your employee lies to you.
...if your wife lies to you.
...if your children lie to you.
...if the police lie to you.
...if the government lies to you.
...to lie on a poll.
...to lie to yourself.
(none of the above)
(all of the above)
It is NEVER OK (check every one with which you agree)
...to steal from your employer.
...to steal from your employee.
...to steal from your wife.
...to steal from your children.
...to steal from the police.
...to steal from the government.
...if your employer steals from you.
...if your employee steals from you..
...if your wife steals from you.
...if your children steal from you.
...if the police steal from you.
...if the government steals from you.
(none of the above)
(all of the above)
It is NEVER OK to INITIATE force or fraud against a peaceful person (check every one with which you agree)
...unless it is for the "greater good".
...unless your children are starving.
...unless the voting-majority agrees.
...unless you can get away with it.
...unless the ends justify the means.
...unless GOD says to do so.
...unless it's your job.
...unless it makes you feel safe.
...unless you pay someone else to do so.
(none of the above)
(all of the above)
I believe in, and RESPECT the Natural Right of EVERY Individual (check every one with which you agree)
...to Self-Ownership. ~Free-Mind, Free-Body, Free-Speech.
...to Self-Defense. ~Property & Family.
...to Free-Trade. ~Capitalism unrestricted. Financial Freedom & Privacy.
(none of the above)
(all of the above)
I love Liberty, (check every one with which you agree)
...BUT people cannot be trusted to govern themselves.
...BUT we need to force people to pay their "fair share" of taxes.
...BUT sometimes we must restrict Liberty, to protect it.
...BUT I would rather feel safe.
...BUT really, I love MY Liberty, not yours.
...BUT really, libertarianism just won't work.
...BUT (other) e-mail stoneman76@yahoo.com
(none of the above)
(all of the above)
It is NEVER OK to kill another person, (check every one with which you agree) This question added the week of 12/17.
...unless in Self-Defense (family and property)
...unless in Self-Defense (family)
...unless you pay someone else to do so.
...unless the government tells you to do so.
...unless GOD tells you to do so.
...in any act of agression. (murder, theft, rape, etc)
...unless it's your job.
...unless you have a really good reason.
...unless (other) stoneman76@yahoo.com
None of the above. Who needs a reason?
It is NEVER OK to kill thousands of peaceful civilians (check every one with which you agree) This question added the week of 12/17.
...period. The attack on the (NY) World Trade Center was wrong.
...period. The attacks/killing the Afgan people was/is wrong.
...except during war. The atomic bombings of (WWII)Japan were justified.
...unless in retaliation for the deaths of peaceful civilians.
...unless (other) stoneman76@yahoo.com
None of the above. Who needs a reason?
This poll was created on 2001-12-12 21:04:48 by stoneman76