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nocturnal emmission

Usually around the time you start high school you will have nocturnal emmissions or wet dreams.
Where do you live ?
United States
South America
What is your gender.
What is your age
8 or under
over 18
Do you know what a nocturnal emmision is.
No I never heard of it
I've heard of it before but not entirely sure
Yes I know what nocturnal emmission means
During a nocturnal emmission a boy ejects
During an emmission the male organ is
Who sleeps in your bedroom at home
I sleep alone
I sleep with my brother(s)
I sleep with my sister(s)
I sleep with my brothers and sisters
I sleep with uncle aunt or grandparents
I sleep in an apartment with roommate
Do you know that a wet dream and a nocturnal emmssion mean the same thing
No I didn't know that
Yes I did know that
Have you ever had a wet dream
No I haven't
No I haven't but have talked with other boys who had
Yes I have
I'm not sure
If you had a wet dream did you tell anyone about it
No I was embarassed
Yes I told my mom
Yes I told my dad
Yes I told my brother
Yes I told my sister
Yes i told an aunt uncle cousin grandparent
Yes i told my friend
When I had my first wet dream I was
What do you usually wear to bed
underpants boxer
underpants boxer brief
underpants bikini
underpants thong
underpants brief
my clothes
When you woke up was there a large visible stain in your pjs or underpants
Yes it was noticible
No it was mostly dried and not too visible
No the semen mainly stained the bed
Did nayone see that you had a wet dream
Yes brother
Yes sister
Yes mom
Yes dad
Yes other relative
another person
Was your wet dream a sexual dream you remembered when you woke up
Yes it was sexual
No it wasn't sexual
No I don't remember a dream
My sexual dream was about
being active in a sport
being partly unclothed with boys
being partly unclothed with girls
being naked with boys
being naked with girls
being physically active with boys
being physicall active with girls
What year in school (or summer before) were you when you had your first wet dream
past 12
Before I had wet dream I
had read about it in books
had heard about it from dad
had heard about it from mom
had heard from brother - male cousin
had heard from sister - female cousin
had heard from friend
did not know what happened - thought I maight have wet the bed
already learned it in school with boys
already learned in school in mixed class
were you proud of your first emmission
Yes I was proud
No I was surprised and shocked
No I was too embarassed
No I thought it was dirty
Did you try to have a second wet dream
Yes because it was unclear to me what happened
Yes it was pleasurable and I wanted to repeat it
Yes because I though I was reaching manhood
No I didn't want it too happen
No I had soreness in my peter or buthole or both
Did you try to orgasm again by touching yourself
Yes but it didnt happen
Yes and I was successful
No I thought it was wrong
No I thought it was immoral
Yes even though I thought it wrong
Yes even though I thought it immoral
Did you change what you sleep in after your first time
No continued to wear same type of clothes
No decided to wear something different
Planned ahead to change when/if I needed to
Just went to bathroom to wash up
How often after first time did you continue to have wet dreams
once a week or less
once or twice a month
continues to have them over any months
created my own daydreams (self stimulation)
Do you know boys 2 or 3 years older who sitll have wet dreams? Can you tell about them.
No I havn't heard that
Yes I know one or two people
I know of many who do
Would you recommend other boys to this poll
If a parent or family member saw evidence or heard you had a wet dream how did they respond
Didn't saw much but acknowledges that hey know
Did not talk about it
They were negative about it
They were positive about it
They congratulated me on my developing manhood
Have other family members noticed when you had erections
Yes but didnt say anything
They acknowledged without disapproval male
They acknowledged without disapproval female
All acknowledged with acceptance both male female
No one ever saw me this way
Is sex education in this area a good thing
Yes I think it is better done at home
Yes I think it is better done at school
No persons should all learn at their own time and in their own way
If you are a boy do you think girls should learn what is here to understand boys properly
No girls my age don't need to know this
Yes girls should now this about boys maturing
No I am a girl and I answered the questions above
No I am a girl but did not answer the questions
Are you willing to talkabout this poll
No I don't care too
Yes I will offer my opinions
This poll was created on 2004-11-02 01:30:44 by quickdry