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Girls, have you ever been tied up?

Girls, have youever ben tied up before?

100% (39) Yes
0% (0) No

39 voters have answered this question.

Did you like being tied?

41% (16) I loved it.
35% (14) It's ok.
23% (9) I hated it.

39 voters have answered this question.

What were you tied up with?

74% (29) Rope
7% (3) Tape
10% (4) Zip Ties
7% (3) Cloth

39 voters have answered this question.

Who tied you up?

No graph available for this question

39 voters have answered this question.

Did you use a gag?

69% (27) Yes
30% (12) No

39 voters have answered this question.

What kind of gag did you use?

12% (5) Ball gag
7% (3) Tape
15% (6) Cloth
23% (9) I didn't use a gag
41% (16) Other

39 voters have answered this question.

If you chose other, can you please clarify?

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19 voters have answered this question.

How were you tied up?

No graph available for this question

39 voters have answered this question.

How many times have you been tied up?

20% (8) 1 time
23% (9) 2 to 5 times
56% (22) 5 to 10 times

39 voters have answered this question.

Why were you tied up?

No graph available for this question

39 voters have answered this question.

Would you be wiilling to be tied up again in the future?

76% (30) Yes
23% (9) No

39 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2021-11-02 05:17:16 by TheQuestionier
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