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Looking for the old results?
I am 19 years old and I still have a bedtime I wonder if anyone else is in the same position.


30% (64) 18
3% (8) 19
25% (53) 20
9% (20) 21
29% (62) Older

207 voters have answered this question.


67% (140) Male
32% (66) Female

206 voters have answered this question.

What is your bedtime?

28% (60) 7
27% (57) 8
14% (30) 9
9% (20) 10
1% (3) 11
7% (15) Later
11% (24) Earlier

209 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-12-16 01:16:57 by hackerz2110
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