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How often do you litter?

I've read multiple stats that say about 1 in 3 people litter regularly and the vast majority of people litter at least occasionally, with girls littering nearly as much as guys. I want to find out if this is true. How much do you litter? No judgement. Answer honestly please :)

How often do you litter?

23% (3) Often, usually once a week or more
7% (1) Sometimes, about once a month
23% (3) Rarely, once a year or so
30% (4) Almost never (maybe a few times in my life)
15% (2) Never.

13 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel when you litter?

30% (4) Fine, everyone does it at least some of the time
46% (6) I feel bad, I'm not proud of it
15% (2) It eats me up inside
7% (1) N/A. I swear I've never littered in my life

13 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel when you see someone else litter?

23% (3) It doesn't bother me
46% (6) It annoys me, but I ignore it
15% (2) Meh
15% (2) I hate their guts

13 voters have answered this question.

What's your gender?

38% (5) Girl
46% (6) Guy
15% (2) Other

13 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

23% (3) Under 25
46% (6) 25 - 35
7% (1) 35 - 45
23% (3) 45+

13 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2021-11-12 00:42:55 by Curiousquizzer
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