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Crpytozoology & The Undiscovered

This is a poll for fans, skeptics and enthusiasts of the cryptid world.

Are you a fan / enthusiast of cryptids / cryptozoology?

50% (2) Yes
25% (1) No
25% (1) Sorta / Kinda

4 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe that cryptids (or at least some of them) could exist, especially in modern times, despite modern technology that should otherwise help discover said creatures?

25% (1) Absolutely!
25% (1) Maybe
25% (1) Not Sure
25% (1) Doubt it
0% (0) Definitely not

4 voters have answered this question.

Which of these cryptids are you most familiar with and/or enjoy exploring the most?

25% (1) Sasquatch / Bigfoot
0% (0) Mothman
0% (0) The Jersey Devil
25% (1) Loch Ness Monster / Nessie
0% (0) Chupacabra
50% (2) The Beast of Bray Road / Dogman
0% (0) Owlman
0% (0) Yeti / Abominable Snowman
0% (0) Goatman
0% (0) Dover Demon
0% (0) Ahool
0% (0) Other

4 voters have answered this question.

Have you yourself ever seen or encountered a cryptid?

0% (0) Yes
75% (3) No
25% (1) Maybe, I'm not sure..

4 voters have answered this question.

Do you enjoy documentaries, shows and other media that involves cryptids?

50% (2) Yes!
25% (1) They're alright
0% (0) No
25% (1) Indifferent / Other

4 voters have answered this question.

Which of these cryptids is more likely to exist when compared to its peers from the list below?

50% (2) Sasquatch / Bigfoot
25% (1) Loch Ness Monster / Nessie
0% (0) Mothman
0% (0) The Jersey Devil
25% (1) Yeti / Abominable Snowman
0% (0) Goatman
0% (0) Dogman / The Beast of Bray Road
0% (0) Chupacabra
0% (0) Dover Demon
0% (0) Ahool
0% (0) Thunderbird
0% (0) Other

4 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever opened up about your interest of cryptozoology to others and if so, what was their reaction?

50% (2) Yes, I have. They were indifferent / cool with it.
25% (1) Yes, I have. They mocked me and made fun of me.
25% (1) No, I've never told anyone / keep to myself.

4 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe The Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film from 1967 was real or a hoax?

25% (1) Yes, it's absolutely real!
50% (2) I'm not sure.
25% (1) Nah, it's fake.

4 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe that the Mothman was responsible for the Silver Bridge collapse in Point Pleasant, West Virginia back in 1967 or do you believe it was purely coincidental to the Mothman sightings at the time?

0% (0) Yes, I believe Mothman was responsible!
25% (1) I don't know what to believe / not sure.
75% (3) No, it was purely coincidental

4 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe that most cryptids (if not all) are actually misidentified animals which would explain why there is no real conclusive data to confirm existence?

50% (2) Yah, that makes sense!
50% (2) I don't know / not sure.
0% (0) No, there is enough evidence to suggest otherwise.

4 voters have answered this question.

Are the Yetis of the Himalayas related to North America's Bigfoot / Sasquatch creature or are they unrelated entirely?

75% (3) Yes, they are related / cousins.
25% (1) No, they're completely separate species.

4 voters have answered this question.

Do you actively go to cryptid-related conventions or other community events?

25% (1) Yes, I go to them all the time.
50% (2) I've never been, but I want to go to one.
25% (1) No, I'm not interested.

4 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2022-03-09 22:41:52 by Alcoholica88Viking
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