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Playing games with your spouse

A poll about playing games, of whatever type, with your spouse. Check out the messages for some game ideas and links to my other polls.
Who is responding to this poll
Both of us
When was the last time you played a game with your spouse
Last 4 days
Within the last week
Within the last 2 weeks
Within the 3 weeks
Within the last month
Within the last 3 months
With the last year
Less recently
How often do you play games with your spouse
4-6 times per week
2-3 times per week
2-3 times per month
6-11 times per year
2-6 times per year
Less often
What sort of games do you play
Board games
Card games (using a standard 52-card deck)
Card games (using a deck specially made for that game)
Trivia/quiz type games
Dice games
Strategy games
Computer games
Games involving physical activity/movement
Word games
Number games
Relationship/romantic games
Something else
What is your favourite game
Do you prefer competitive or co-operative games
Co-operative games - a lot
Co-operative games
Competitive games
Competitive games - a lot
What reason do you play games for
Quality time with spouse
The competitive element (whether against my spouse or the game)
The strategy/planning/thinking element
Playing the game
To have forfeits/bets depending on the outcome
Some other reason
What reason do you play games for
Quality time with spouse
The competitive element (whether against my spouse or the game)
The strategy/planning/thinking element
Playing the game
To have forfeits/bets depending on the outcome
How important is it to you that you win
Really important
Somewhat important
I prefer winning but it's not important
Neutral/enjoying the game is most important
I prefer it when we win about as often as each other
It's more important that we enjoy playing
I prefer losing!
Do you ever 'wager' on the outcome of a game e.g. winner gets something or loser has to do a forfeit/dare
Yes - almost every time we play
Yes - most times we play
Yes - sometimes
Yes - but not very often
Yes - rarely
How intense/daring/difficult is a typical forfeit
0 - we don't do forfeits
1 - hardly at all
10 - very much so
What would a typical forfeit be (if you don't play for forfeits, just type none or n/a)
What was your favourite forfeit (whether you won or lost) associated with a game (if you don't play for forfeits, just type none or n/a)
Has this poll inspired you to play a game with your spouse
Yes - I'm off to get them right now!
Any other comments about playing games with your spouse
Any other comments about this or my other polls
This poll was created on 2022-04-18 21:59:34 by Married Intimacy Pollster