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Who would win

Looking for the old results?
Out of the following setups, who do you believe would win.

Who would win:

36% (7) Voltron
36% (7) Power Rangers in Zords
26% (5) Gundam Wing

19 voters have answered this question.

Who would win:

50% (9) Generation 1 Transformers
27% (5) Beast Wars Transformers
11% (2) Beast Machines Transformers
11% (2) RiD Transformers

18 voters have answered this question.

Who would win:

15% (3) Carnage
36% (7) Spawn
47% (9) Venom

19 voters have answered this question.

Who would win:

50% (9) The X-men
33% (6) The Justice League(minus Superman)
16% (3) Superman

18 voters have answered this question.

Who would win:

23% (4) Ronin Warriors
11% (2) Silverhawks
64% (11) Thundercats

17 voters have answered this question.

Who would win:

42% (9) Goku
52% (11) Superman
4% (1) Vegeta

21 voters have answered this question.

Who would win:

43% (7) Apocalypse
18% (3) Complete Cell
25% (4) Darkside
12% (2) Malebolgia

16 voters have answered this question.

What you think of this poll?

11% (2) Fantastic
22% (4) Good
44% (8) Ok
16% (3) Could have been better
5% (1) It was a waste of time

18 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-12-24 18:24:39 by DKC0123
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