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Interracial Relationships & Your Preferences

Hello everyone! This poll seeks to gather your opinions on interracial relationships as well as your own personal preferences. Please keep in mind that this poll is not intended to judge anybody by race or ethnicity, nor does it suggest that any race or ethnicity is superior or inferior. Everything in this poll is about your own beliefs and your own preferences. Please enjoy and be honest.
Your gender?
Your age?
Your religion, if any?
Christianity - Catholic
Christianity - Protestant
Christianity - Non-Denominational or Other Sect/Denomination
Atheist or Agnostic
Other (please specify)
What is the race/ethnicity with which you most closely identify?
Middle Eastern/Arabic
Native American
Other (please specify)
Do you support interracial relationships?
Yes, for all kinds of pairings
Generally yes, but there are some interracial parings that make me a little uncomfortable
Generally no, but there are some interracial parings that I will support
No, I do not support interracial relationships
Why do you support interracial relationships? Select all that apply.
A person should be judged by the content of his/her character and not skin color, and this also applies to choosing a partner for a relationship
People have their own preferences for beauty and attraction that can be influenced by racial characteristics, and it's not wrong to follow those preferences when finding a partner
People of different races and ethnicities often come from different cultural backgrounds, and it's healthy to blend those together sometimes and create more diversity in society
The human gene pool benefits in various ways when races and ethnicities mix together, so it's beneficial for mankind to accept interracial relationships
Other (please explain)
None of the above/I do not support interracial relationships
Do you have friends of different races or ethnicities than your own?
Yes, several
Yes, just one
No, but I would be open to it
No, and I would prefer not to have any
Have you ever dated somebody of a different race or ethnicity than your own?
Yes, and my spouse is of a different race than my own
Yes, and my current partner is of a different race than my own
Yes, many times
Yes, a few times
Yes, just once
No, but I want to have an interracial relationship
No, but I would be open to an interracial relationship
No, and I don't want to be in an interracial relationship
To which race or ethnicity do you find yourself MOST attracted?
Middle Eastern/Arabic
Native American
Other (please specify)
To which race or ethnicity do you find yourself LEAST attracted?
Middle Eastern/Arabic
Native American
Other (please specify)
If you met somebody and find that you genuinely like him/her as a person and are attracted to almost every aspect of his/her personality, BUT this person is of the race or ethnicity you find least appealing, would you still be willing to date or potentially marry this person?
Yes, even if I was not physically attracted to the person
Probably, as long as I was still somewhat physically attracted to the person
Probably not
Definitely not
Why are you attracted to the race or ethnicity that you prefer? Select all that apply.
I like it because it's the same race/ethnicity as my own
I find the race/ethnicity to be the most visually beautiful
I like the culture that may be associated with the race/ethnicity
I like the attitude or stereotypical behaviors associated with people of the race/ethnicity
I'm not sure, because it just seems to be an instinctual attraction
Other (please explain)
Speaking in general and not only about yourself, what interracial pairings do you think are the most appealing?
If you could change your own race/ethnicity, would you?
Yes, I would prefer to be...(please specify)
No, I would stay as what I am now
If you could change your partner's race/ethnicity, would you?
Yes, I would prefer him/her to be...(please specify)
No, I would want him/her to stay the same
N/A - I am single
Do you believe that mixed-race children have a harder time growing up than those who are more closely aligned with a single race?
Yes, they face a lot of potential bullying or discrimination as a result of being mixed-race
Maybe, as discrimination as a result of being mixed-race is not very common, but it may still occur sometimes
Doubtful, because discrimination as a result of being mixed-race is very rare, almost to the point where it's non-existent nowadays
OPTIONAL: Thank you for taking the poll! You may leave a final comment here. Please also visit the message forum before you go. Have a blessed day.
This poll was created on 2022-11-07 23:47:36 by Mr.Allan