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Stem cell Research

Stem cell research has recently become a major moral issue, pro-life vs. possible scientific gain. Stem cells are cells that have no assignment, and can become a number of different cells, and scientists hope that by learning how to assign a function to a stem cell will allow them to create a cure-all. There are two main types of stem cells used in research, embyonic and adult. Embryonic stem cells require the life of a human embryo, but can be manipulated to form any cell in the body. Adult stem cells do not take the donor's life, but are much less flexible.

Do you believe the government should allow embryonic stem cell research, which requires the death of human embryos but may save the lives of others?

66% (116) Yes
25% (45) No
8% (14) I don't know

175 voters have answered this question.

The government cut off federal funding for research involving human embryos in 1996, but the ban had no power over privately funded reseach. Now the government funds research on existing embryonic stem cell lines of cells removed and stored in the past, but scientists believe that they need more or research will be very slow. what do you think the government should do?

17% (29) Stop all research on Embryonic stem cells
25% (43) Keep funding the existing stem cell lines
47% (81) Let more stem cells be "harvested" from embryos
10% (17) Not sure

170 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe adult stem cell research should be funded (it is now) which does not require a life but the cells are not as flexible and may not be as useful.

61% (104) yes
17% (29) yes, but in limited amount
8% (14) no
12% (21) not sure

168 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-12-27 21:59:46 by SeRVe04
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