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What 1st year Optometry Student hasnt though about grabbing the nearest sharp object and using it on their Geometrical Optics Lecturer? (Satarical comment, no intent meant)

Do you study Optics, Optometry, Astronomy or indeed any subject requiring Geometrical Optics to be taught to you?

63% (19) yes
36% (11) no

30 voters have answered this question.

Do you enjoy it?

46% (12) yes
53% (14) no

26 voters have answered this question.

What aspect do you find EASIEST to understand

26% (6) Reflection
8% (2) Refraction
13% (3) Surfaces
13% (3) Thin Lenses
0% (0) Thick Lenses
17% (4) Mirrors
13% (3) Lens Systems
4% (1) Telescopes
4% (1) Gaussion Theory

23 voters have answered this question.

What aspect do you find HARDEST to understand?

0% (0) Reflection
0% (0) Refraction
9% (2) Surfaces
0% (0) Thin Lenses
4% (1) Thick Lenses
4% (1) Mirrors
13% (3) Lens Systems
9% (2) Telescopes
59% (13) Gaussion Theory

22 voters have answered this question.

Finally, do you think derivations of laws such as the Fundemental Paraxial Equation, Snells Law and the like should be examinable in 1st year?

45% (10) Yes
31% (7) No
22% (5) fundawhit a eh?

22 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-12-31 16:02:51 by miggs_s
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