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Paranormal stuff?

Have you ever experienced tele/psychokinesis, seen someone's aura and such...
What do you think of the paranormal stuff generally not accepted by scientific community
I don't believe it period
I am very skeptical, but there might be something
Such things are very rare but they do occur and we can find a materialistic explanation for them
They occur and can be explained, but not with the current scientific theories
They occur and science is too limited to explain them
Do you believe in a supreme being?
I prefer to call it Nature
Not sure
Have you ever witnessed any paranormal events? Please post elaborations!
No, never
Telekinesis (people moving stuff around w/o touch)
People moving you around w/o touch
Telepathy (people reading minds)
Seeing aura around things and people
Seeing dreams that came true
Levitation (floating in the air)
Other (please post!)
Can you make "energy balls" between your hands?
Huh? Make what?
No, I don't believe in it
No, but I know it's possible
Yes, I can feel them
Yes, I can feel them and make others feel it/move others with it
Yes and I can feel them and move people and things with them
Have you ever seen an aura around people or objects?
No, and I don't believe in it
No, but I believe it exists
Yes, around objects
Yes, around myself
Yes, around other people
Have you had any experience with TK (telekinesis)
No, and I don't believe in it
No, but it's possible
Yes, I've seen others move things around
Yes, I've done it myself
This poll was created on 2002-01-30 05:58:35 by za_bugor