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Star Wars vs. Lord of the Rings

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Which are you the biggest fan of?

43% (723) Star Wars
56% (938) Lord of the Rings

1661 voters have answered this question.

Which did you like the best?

75% (1222) The Fellowship of the Ring (movie)
24% (400) The Phantom Menace (movie)

1622 voters have answered this question.

Who is the best villain?

6% (106) Saruman
25% (416) Sauron (with the ring)
7% (127) Sauron (without the ring)
49% (802) Darth Vader
10% (170) Emperor Palpatine

1621 voters have answered this question.

Who is the best hero/heroine?

0% (14) Arwen
27% (440) Aragorn
17% (279) Gandalf
8% (143) Frodo
15% (251) Obi Wan Kenobi
1% (18) Princess Leia
17% (287) Luke Skywalker
11% (183) Han Solo

1615 voters have answered this question.

What is the best creature?

59% (961) Belrog (the giant demon that Gandalf battles))
2% (38) Creature in the water (Moria)
3% (52) Cave troll (moria)
11% (183) Rancor (Jabba's monster)
4% (70) Wampa (Hoth)
7% (117) Sarlacc (the creature in the pit on tatooine)
11% (187) other

1608 voters have answered this question.

Who do you think is the best warrior?

24% (401) Aragorn
2% (39) Borimir
6% (99) Gandalf
0% (5) Saruman
1% (26) Gimli
13% (210) Legolas
0% (3) Arwen
0% (9) Elrond
2% (42) King of the Nazgul
0% (13) Elendil (who fought Sauron)
1% (31) Qui Gon Jinn
5% (87) Luke Skywalker
6% (100) Anakin Skywalker (before he turns)
5% (85) Darth Vader
6% (107) Darth Maul
0% (14) Emperor Palpatine
17% (279) Yoda
3% (64) Mace Windu

1614 voters have answered this question.

In your opinion, which is the greatest story ever told?

57% (931) Lord of the Rings trilogy
36% (585) Star Wars trilogy (ep. 4-6)
5% (93) Other

1609 voters have answered this question.

Which movie are you looking forward to the most?

57% (912) The Two Towers
22% (358) Attack of the Clones
20% (322) I want to see them both equally

1592 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-02-06 13:00:46 by Laws4life
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