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Kelly Monaco (Livvie/Tess)

Polls about Kelly and her characters on Port Charles, Livvie and Tess.
Who does Livvie belong with?
Tess: Love her or Hate her?
Tess is such a great character, one of the best.
Tess is an okay character.
I don't like Tess at all.
Livvie: Love her or Hate her
Livvie is one of the best characters.
Livvie is an okay character.
I don't like Livvie at all.
Should Livvie be bad or good?
Good, Livvie was such a sweet girl before.
Bad, I like Livvie as a bad girl.
A little of both.
Do you think Caleb will ever get Livvie back?
Do you think Livvie and Alison will ever be friends again?
Yes, they were best friends.
No, too much damage has happened.
Maybe, but not anytime soon.
Who's your favorite Port Charles couple?
Rafe and Alison
Jack and Livvie
Kevin and Lucy
Ian and Lucy
Jamal and Marissa
Rafe and Livvie
Caleb and Elizabeth
Caleb and Livvie
Tess and Jack
Karen and Frank
Jack and Alison
This poll was created on 2002-12-27 20:23:47 by AngelicSwimmer