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Yin Yang

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Which best describes you?

30% (4) An equal balance of Yin and Yang.
15% (2) Mostly Yin with a touch of Yang.
7% (1) Mostly Yang with a touch of Yin.
0% (0) All Yin, no Yang.
0% (0) All Yang, no Yin.
46% (6) What are you talking about???

13 voters have answered this question.

If you could change something about yourself what would it be?

7% (1) More Yang.
0% (0) More Yin.
7% (1) Less Yang.
7% (1) Less Yin.
30% (4) Like I said, I'm an equal balance of both.
46% (6) I really have no idea what you're talking about.

13 voters have answered this question.

It is inappropriate for heterosexual males to have traditionally feminine personality traits.

14% (2) True.
35% (5) False.
50% (7) Just what is the point of this poll?

14 voters have answered this question.

It is inappropriate for heterosexual females to have traditionally masculine personality traits.

14% (2) True.
35% (5) False.
50% (7) Seriously, what's the point?

14 voters have answered this question.

Interpersonal conflicts can almost always be attributed to:

23% (3) One person being right, one person being wrong.
7% (1) One person being confused, one person being well-informed.
38% (5) A simple miscommunication.
30% (4) My brain has locked up, I'm leaving now.

13 voters have answered this question.

On the day you were born, as you were exiting the womb getting ready to enter the world, do you remember seeing the sign stating all of the rules on the way out?

7% (1) Yes.
50% (7) No.
42% (6) This is just too much. Goodbye.

14 voters have answered this question.

All of the "major" world religions and all of the corresponding books are all inspired by the same Creator.

42% (6) Possible.
28% (4) Impossible.
28% (4) Don't know, don't care.

14 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-03-01 07:07:49 by pssdmidget
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