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are you a polyglot?

we are twin brothers from Brazil, and we like languages and linguistics very much. we find it fascinating. we speak many languages. but now we want to know what everyone thinks about it.
what do you find about linguistics?
it's very interesting.
it's ok.
I have never heard this name before.
it's boring.
how old are you?
how many languages can you speak?
I can badly speak my language.
I can speak only my language.
I can speak 2 languages.
I can speak 3 languages.
I can speak 4+ languages.
what do you understand about "pidgins" and "creoles"?
pidgins are "developing" languages with a rudimentary grammar and limited vocabulary; but creoles are more developed languages, with a bigger vocabulary.
it's the same thing above, but the contrary.
I don't have the least idea, and I have never heard these words before.
I didn't know, but because of this explanation I know, and I found it very interesting.
I didn't know, and I find it boring.
I don't know and I didn't understand the question.
what kind of languages do you like?
I don't like learning languages.
I like very easy languages, like Esperanto or Papiamentu.
I like easy languages but with a very complicated syntax, like English or French.
I like difficult but easy languages, with a bit of complication, like Kalaallisut or Russian.
I like difficult but easy and not complicated languages, like Latin.
I like very difficult and polysynthetical languages, like Czech or Jiwarli.
I like very difficult languages, but with an easy but difficult syntax, like Sanskrit.
I like complicated and irregular languages, like Finnish or Estonian.
I like all these kinds of languages.
what's your nationality or descendence?
Indian(from India).
American(South and North) Indian.
Slav origin.
Slav descendence(that's our descendence).
This poll was created on 2005-05-27 14:05:50 by science_guys