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Racial Issues and Film

How fairly are issues of racism dealt with by Hollywood?
What is your age?
Are you?
Are you?
Native American
What source do you mostly use to determine what films you see?
Movie Poster
Theater Trailer
Newspaper Ad
Movie Review
Do you recommend a film to friends if you like it?
How do you first like to see a film?
In a theater
On video/DVD
On regular television or cable
On the Internet
What would you be more likely to see?
A film with an original and interesting story I've never seen before
A sequel to a movie I've already seen and liked
How many films have you seen in the last year that had a negative message about race relations?
At least one
Two or more
How many films have you seen in the last year that offered positive solutions to racism?
At least one
Two or more
Is racism in America a problem you are concerned about?
I think racism is America's number one problem
Racism is not the number one problem, but I'm very concerned about it
It's not much of a problem
How would you grade Hollywood's effort to improve race relations with the films it releases?
A fair, even-handed record
Could be a better record
Pretty bad record
Deplorable record
Do you feel movies depict the problems of racism more than they show us solutions to the problem?
Usually show the problem and never show a realistic solution
Usually show the problem and sometimes show unrealistic solutions
Usually show the problem and sometimes show realistic solutions
Usually show the problem and always show realistic solutions
When you hear racist remarks or see racist acts, do you ever take a personal stand and defend others' rights?
Never do
Wish I could, but I'm usually afraid to because of what my friends might think
Don't care. People should stand up for themselves
I do get involved and defend the rights of others
Do you consider yourself?
Sometimes racist in word or deed, but I don't mean to be
Never racist, I am always on the side of equality
Racist. I do not believe in equality and have personal reasons for this belief
Would you feel happier if you were able to freely make friends with people of any race?
Would you be interested in seeing a film that depicts a group of young people in racial confrontation, but then find a realistic way to settle their differences, and/or even become friends in the final outcome?
Very interested in seeing it
Somewhat interested
Not very interested in it
Do you think a film that depicts a group of young people in racial confrontation, but then find a realistic way to settle their differences, and/or even become friends in the final outcome would be unique?
Very unique idea
Fairly unique idea
Common idea
Overused idea
If you saw a film that presented realistic solutions to racism in our society, do you think as many people as possible should see it, and would you recommend it to others?
Do you live in the United States?
This poll was created on 2002-03-10 23:14:04 by sfp