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Could u kill a boy to save others? Version 2!!!

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Hi, They is quite a long story behind this first question but I won't bore you with it. I have had huge responses from where it was originally posted but only members could access it so now it has moved here to it's new home! Enjoy all of the questions, try to think about the answers instead of putting down the first thing that comes to mind!

A 5-year-old boy is dragged away from his parents. He is put in front of you and you are told,' If you shoot this boy, dead, then all disease and famine, AIDS and cancer will be wiped out'. Could you? Think.

37% (6) Yes - I would quite happly kill the boy, 'one life is out weighed by many'
62% (10) No - I could'nt Kill the boy, it is not in my nature to kill another person....i just could'nt

16 voters have answered this question.

Would you betray your country to help a friend?

75% (12) Yes
25% (4) No

16 voters have answered this question.

If you had to shoot one of the following people who would it be? (Sorry about all this shooting!!!)

23% (3) An Old Man
15% (2) A Young Gurl
46% (6) A Drug User
15% (2) Yourself

13 voters have answered this question.

Do you agree with the statement, "Ignorance is bliss"?

50% (8) Yes
50% (8) No

16 voters have answered this question.

If I said that the answer to the ultimate question, of life the universe and everything was, 42 What would you think!

37% (6) I know what your on about
62% (10) I'm very confused!

16 voters have answered this question.

Do you think I'm Male or Female?

62% (10) Male
37% (6) Female

16 voters have answered this question.

How old do you think I am?

13% (2) 13
33% (5) 16
13% (2) 21
6% (1) 25
13% (2) 27
6% (1) 30
13% (2) 33
0% (0) 41

15 voters have answered this question.

Do you believe in fate or destiny, in that your actions have in some way been plan by God or someone else?

53% (8) Yes
46% (7) No

15 voters have answered this question.

When you die what do you HOPE will happen?

66% (10) I will go to heaven
33% (5) I will be reincarnated
0% (0) I will just fade away into non-existence

15 voters have answered this question.

Now bite the bullet! What do you REALLY think will happen?

64% (9) I will go to heaven
14% (2) I will be reincarnatd
21% (3) I will just fade away into non-existence

14 voters have answered this question.

If you have a murderer that does not fear death, but instead embraces it, and they were put to the electric chair would you, even though you had just given him what he wanted, feel that justice had been done?

43% (7) Yes
56% (9) No

16 voters have answered this question.

Would you die for your religion?

46% (7) yes
53% (8) no

15 voters have answered this question.

If you were fighting for a cause and realized that the only way for your cause to be successful was to take your own life, would you?

42% (6) yes
57% (8) no

14 voters have answered this question.

How can this poll be improved?

46% (6) More questions
7% (1) Less questions
61% (8) More deep soul-search questions
30% (4) More light hearted questions

13 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2002-03-17 08:21:53 by 8august
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